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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: elle.jae on 2006 December 09, 19:02:29

Title: Can't restart Pleasantview
Post by: elle.jae on 2006 December 09, 19:02:29
Okay, so I'm trying to restart Pleasantview, as the current version is becoming boring and bloated by marrying in too many townies. I made a back-up of the neighborhood in case I ever wanted to revisit it, and then I took the original neighborhood file out of the folder. Am I crazy, or isn't it supposed to regenerate a new Pleasantview when you take out the existing one? Because that's not what's happpening here. Now I just have Strangetown and Veronaville. Anyone know why it's doing this or how I can fix it?

Title: Re: Can't restart Pleasantview
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 December 09, 19:32:32
It doesn't quite work like that. I think you would have to remove the entire Neighborhoods folder... and then the game will regenerate all 3 basehoods. Have you been playing any of the other hoods? If not... then just remove and/or delete your entire Neighborhoods folder. The game will regenerate all 3 from the templates. If you have played the other two and/or have custom hoods, it might be slightly messier. I had funky issues when I tried to restore only one of my 'hoods and my picture album/story thing got messed up. I eventually figured out how to fix it, but I forgot what I did. :P


Title: Re: Can't restart Pleasantview
Post by: Rose Outlaw on 2006 December 09, 19:37:50
A copy of the original hood is located in C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\UserData\Neighborhoods.
You got to copy and paste the N001 from there to the Neighbourhoods folder.

The NeighborhoodManager.package is regenerated if you ever delete it, I believe. The neighbourhood folders aren't - fortunately, since that's my idea to limit my selection of hoods to play ;)

Or more shiny ... grab the clean neighbourhood templates, lovingly townie-free, found somewhere in Peasantry.

EDIT: Geez, 5 minutes lag. I'm so lame.

Title: Re: Can't restart Pleasantview
Post by: elle.jae on 2006 December 09, 20:01:31
Wow, that was quick. Thanks for the help. I knew I must be doing something wrong.

Or more shiny ... grab the clean neighbourhood templates, lovingly townie-free, found somewhere in Peasantry.

Ooh, yeah, I found the merged neighborhoods thread. That looks very, very interesting. But it doesn't look like it's available for download anywhere at the moment.  :(

Title: Re: Can't restart Pleasantview
Post by: Rose Outlaw on 2006 December 09, 22:21:30
Ah, the merged neighborhoods idea is really tempting to try ;)

Yet I was thinking of these files (,4306.0.html), also done by SaraMK.
And while I'm still thinking... those templates not only eliminate townies, but the premade families as well, as far as I recall. Which is probably not what you're looking for?

Title: Re: Can't restart Pleasantview
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 December 10, 08:03:35
Yet I was thinking of these files (,4306.0.html), also done by SaraMK.
And while I'm still thinking... those templates not only eliminate townies, but the premade families as well, as far as I recall. Which is probably not what you're looking for?

the first set of links in that post are for the files with the EA playables still in them (no townies/dormies)

the second set of links, lower down the post, are the totally empty files.

I Love the totally empty Uni files since I use default face replacements, now I get decent/nice looking dormies that my sims get to pair off with.