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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: OpiumGirl on 2006 December 09, 05:33:20

Title: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2006 December 09, 05:33:20
Hello guyseses (and galseses),
A brief question about custom default eyes.
Now, I could have sworn I read something about this in the past, but I simply can't find it...
I have had custom default eyes in my game for quite some time, but for some reason many of the sims just never picked them up.  I thought I had read somewhere that there was a reason why this happened where they didn't take....maybe the fact that the sims weren't born in-game?  I'm not sure, but I'm wondering if there's a way to force the sims with the default eyes (born in-game or not, or those who had default eyes to begin with before placing the customs in) to take on the custom defaults rather than me having to go into simpe and fix them all (or replace the in-game eye textures all together within the game folder itself which I definitely don't want to mess with)
Any advice from someone more awesomely than me?
Thank you!

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 December 09, 05:50:35
Are you sure you didn't remove any custom eyes from your game? If so, some of your sims may be getting DNA that points to a custom eye that no longer exists. In this case, the eye the sim has is actually whatever eye is painted on the sim's skintone. If you are using Maxis skintones, the eye is brown. Custom skintones would have whatever the creator did, some paint on custom eyes and some leave the brown eye since it's not going to be used by the game anyway.

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2006 December 09, 06:41:40
Hmmm, I believe I did remove some of the custom eyes to replace them with another set...So that very well may be the problem.  Does this mean that you can somehow force them to use the new custom default eyes?
I think you are right...I've tried a few different defaults until I got the one I liked. 
It just seems odd that they wouldn't just go back to the default eyes rather than taking on the eyes on the skintone....But, maybe it's like hair....they go bald instead of grabbing a default hair-do, lol.

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 December 09, 08:12:05
Changing from one set to a different set of default replacements shouldn't have caused this. This only would have happened if you used a custom eye when creating a sim in CAS, and then deleted the file for that eye.

I would use SimPE to check the DNA of the sim(s) who have Maxis eyes instead of default replacements. If they have what looks like custom eye DNA, I would replace that code with Maxis eye code. Then you would need to load them in the game and have them change appearance at a mirror to reset their eyes. You can find codes for the Maxis eyes here:,5681.msg168957.html#msg168957

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 December 09, 10:01:08
I think you will also need to change it in the sims character file/age data

I know when I change a sims eye color I have to change it in "age data" and then change appearence in-game or it dosen't work.

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2006 December 09, 12:24:43
Thanks so much for the responses...
Would I have to change the eyes in BOTH dna and age data or just age data?

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: Tamha on 2006 December 09, 12:45:12
I'm not sure if you have to change their DNA to make them appear to have normal eyes, but if you want their kids to have proper eyes you probably still need to change that too.

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 December 09, 20:19:49
I always change both.

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2006 December 09, 22:31:58
Okay, I will try it out.
Thank you both very much.

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2007 January 09, 00:05:41
...Almost a month later...(sorry for double posting but the thread needeth to be bumped and revived) ;)
I finally got around to trying this out once the holiday madness died away...
I'm finding that, even after changing the dna and character data/age data (eyes) my sims' eyes still don't show up correctly in game.
I know, however, that the dna is correct since their next child had the correct eye color.
In terms of the character data, I'm guessing I may have done that wrong.
What I did was,
1. opened the sim I wanted to edit in sim browser
2.selected more options (or other) and character data (under the plugin view)
3. In the character data I chose age data and replaced the missing eye color with the Maxis default.
Now, the problem is...they're eyes are still showing brown when I changed one of them to blue eyes, and the other sim to green.
Does anyone see a flaw in what I've done?  Perhaps I missed something?

I will humbly accept humiliation and/or pointing and laughing and will thank you for it.
Thanks! ;)

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 January 09, 01:11:36
Changing the eye color in SDNA is not enough to cause them to switch colors, although they will pass on the altered genetics. In order to properly change eye colors on a current sim, you also have to hand-doctor the AGED and something-or-other material resource. There's something about this on MTS2.

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: Ambular on 2007 January 09, 01:57:41
This reminds me, one of these days I need to change the eyes in my custom default skins to match my custom default eyes.  :p

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2007 January 09, 15:10:11
4, have sim "change appearence" with a mirror

1-4 is what I do and I've done it many times without any problems.

edit - I also change their "DNA"

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2007 January 09, 15:53:58
Ah, that's what did it...oddly enough, the sim I tested it on didn't take the first time.  I had to remove his AWOL earrings (blue flashing) and for some reason, the eyes didn't change until the second time.
It figures that the simplest step was what stumped me, lol!
Thank you very much Sleepycat. :)

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: miros on 2007 January 09, 19:24:01
Don't you wish Dr Pixel would get that mesh fixed?  (Off to the Blarney Stone to check!)

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: cheriem on 2007 January 09, 19:34:11
Actually the mesh was fixed and not posted at Blarney Stone but MTS2.  I don't have the link in front of me but Sleepcat knows exactly where it is!  Sleepycat, help!  I didn't save the link once I got the fix!

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: Ness on 2007 January 09, 20:38:36
Dammit, I didn't either!

But it's the original thread on MTS2 where the flashing blueness was first discussed.  I still haven't got back to checking whether it stays fixed on lot reload.

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: cheriem on 2007 January 09, 21:39:28
There are some conditons to be met but yes in the end it will.

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2007 January 09, 22:11:38
your welcome OpiumGirl  :)

sorry cheriem, I don't have a link... I've read about a fix for that mesh but I wouldn't know where to find it *dosen't use it*

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: cheriem on 2007 January 09, 22:29:57
Dang it!  I guess I go back to the thread on insim about it!  I was positive you were the one who answered my problem Sleepycat. :D

Edited to say:  Found the link.  Post #14 should help.

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2007 January 09, 23:19:46
maybe I answered a different problem *laughs*  I try to help as much as I can over there...although sometimes I get a little bitchy  ;)

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2007 January 09, 23:36:04
As far as I know, the flashing blue issue remains unfixed.  I have the problem with any accessory that has a different "reference id" (not sure if that's correct term) that is different than the "glasses" one. It seems like any accessory made to go with another one (with it's own number) is problematic.  I've haven't seen that mentioned anywhere, but from my experience any accessories with the glasses id works everytime.

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: cheriem on 2007 January 09, 23:38:58
Opium  Girl, there is a lot of information on the "flashing blue" problems contained in the thread link I provided.  Maybe that will help?

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2007 January 10, 00:36:26
Sorry, I should have mentioned that I read that thread.  I haven't seen a definitive answer there yet.

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: miros on 2007 January 10, 11:10:21
Dang it!  I guess I go back to the thread on insim about it!  I was positive you were the one who answered my problem Sleepycat. :D

Edited to say:  Found the link.  Post #14 should help.


Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: maxon on 2007 January 10, 14:27:53
Regarding the flashy blue Dr Pixel mesh - I had this when Pets first came out but I changed appearance a few times with the sims that were affected and it seems to have settled down.  At least the problem has disappeared.  I didn't even know there was a new version of the mesh available though I think I'll go and DL it now.  I dunno ... I cleared out all the corruptable files just afterwards - groups.cache, cigen.package and so on.  Maybe that was it?

Title: Re: Custom default eyes not being used many times?
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2007 January 13, 15:41:09
I actually constantly have to go and delete those cigen and cache files....Many times my game won't start if I don't.  It used to happen every single time before Pets came out, but it is a LITTLE bit better now, lol. (I can't imagine how those who are computer illiterate would have ever known to delete, I'm sure EA got a lot of cries about "my game won't starttttttt!", lol)
Anyway, it isn't fixed with the deletion of those corruptible files, but I will continue to change their appearances everytime I see the problem and keep my fingers crossed that the problem will just disappear!  ::)