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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: sharpefan on 2006 December 08, 01:00:41

Title: Since Pets, not enough customers
Post by: sharpefan on 2006 December 08, 01:00:41
Every since I installed Pets, I've had difficulty keeping people on my lots.  For home businesses, I only get 2 customers at a time.  No one else will come by the lot until someone has finished shopping and is gone.  If I greet someone walking by, as soon as I'm finished talking to them, they leave the lot.  Also, when I go Downtown to shop or date or do an outing, there are significantly fewer people on the lot than there used to be with OFB.  Is this new with Pets because they have to account for the stray animals? Or have I picked up a hack somewhere?  If it is part of Pets, is there a way to "fix" it?    I appreciate your help!

Title: Re: Since Pets, not enough customers
Post by: miros on 2006 December 08, 01:13:30
I'd use the Visitor Controller to turn off the pet visits and see if that helps.

Title: Re: Since Pets, not enough customers
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2006 December 08, 02:22:44
Only effect I've seen is that now dogs or cats pop up around the business (I lock the doors to exclude canine/feline critters).  No effect on number of customers or number of people visiting the lot.

Maybe try lowering your prices - that has worked for me when starting up a business.  People love cheap.

Title: Re: Since Pets, not enough customers
Post by: V on 2006 December 08, 03:04:35
It was Inge's Shrub that did the job for me. I set it and people just show up and shop their heads off.

Title: Re: Since Pets, not enough customers
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 08, 03:15:11
The number of max customers is dependent on both your max visitors count (which may have downgraded), and your business level. Try increasing the maximum visitor count, and if your business rank is up, more schlubs should show up on their own. Also, the Customer Selector is awesome. Get it, or I'll rip your lips off.