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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Craigsters on 2006 December 07, 09:42:48

Title: Is there a hack for Rich Sims
Post by: Craigsters on 2006 December 07, 09:42:48
I was wondering if there is a hack for Sims that are rich or know there Rich, so they wont have job wants or fears!..

thx Craig

Title: Re: Is there a hack for Rich Sims
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 December 07, 13:15:28
Not a hack, but there are custom careers floating around that are called 'self-employed' and 'happily un-employed' that you could give your sim. That way they don't get the job wants spam, even though they don't actually have a job. :)

Title: Re: Is there a hack for Rich Sims
Post by: miros on 2006 December 07, 15:38:47
Does anyone know what the money amount is that will satisfy the "marry a rich Sim" want?

Title: Re: Is there a hack for Rich Sims
Post by: Gwill on 2006 December 07, 15:55:16

Title: Re: Is there a hack for Rich Sims
Post by: Venusy on 2006 December 07, 16:31:31
Not Peasantry material, moved.

Title: Re: Is there a hack for Rich Sims
Post by: shiniki on 2006 December 07, 19:38:25
I thought it was 50,000 for sims with no family relations/ties, and 500,000 for sims with family of some kind. There've been times when my sims got married and had more than 50,000 each but did not fulfill the "Marry a Rich Sim" want. Both came from families, not from CAS.

Title: Re: Is there a hack for Rich Sims
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 07, 20:33:00
Sims being moved from another family by default will only take 10% of the cash reserves, so a sim being moved without the rest of his family will only count as "rich" if that family has at least $500K in cash. Sims that move and bring their entire families need to bring only $50K networth. I actually have a little button on the lot debugger to ensure that sims marrying from one family into another get properly attached dowries without the corresponding memory spam, under shift-click "Special.../Marriage Split", which will split off that sim with 50K from the treasury(option not available if you don't HAVE 50K) into the lot bin, so you can plop them onto an empty lot and then continue the ceremony.

Title: Re: Is there a hack for Rich Sims
Post by: GayJohnScarritt on 2007 January 11, 09:15:48
Sims being moved from another family by default will only take 10% of the cash reserves,

   Speaking of that 10%, i'm running into a wierd occurance.  When i have a sim move in by marriage, they bring in the proper 10% of their family's household cash, yet when i go back to their family's home, no cash has been taken away.  It's turning into free cash.  I have everything up to OFB.  At first i thought it had to do with that no20khandout but when i removed it, that was still happening.
   I've got several couples due to be married in the next round so i'll try without the Lot Debugger.  I also need to see if i'm getting the same problem via move-in option (which i rarely do with my playables).
   Anyone else having this glitch?

Title: Re: Is there a hack for Rich Sims
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 January 12, 17:00:49
   Speaking of that 10%, i'm running into a wierd occurance.  When i have a sim move in by marriage, they bring in the proper 10% of their family's household cash, yet when i go back to their family's home, no cash has been taken away.  It's turning into free cash.  I have everything up to OFB.  At first i thought it had to do with that no20khandout but when i removed it, that was still happening.

It's not a glitch -- it's normal game behavior.  Been that way from the original TS2. The sim that moves out gets a magical gift of their portion of the household funds.

Title: Re: Is there a hack for Rich Sims
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 January 12, 18:35:26
I have never noticed that it was giving this money for free, but if it is, I will look into quashing that.

Title: Re: Is there a hack for Rich Sims
Post by: syberspunk on 2007 January 12, 20:11:26
If you do look into that, maybe it would help to consult Jase's no lottery move in fix (  He updated it for Pets as well.  I also would prefer that households "lose" the money that a sim moving out takes with them.  There may be funky issues with this, especially regarding moving in/marrying sims across sub-neighborhoods, since you still have that problem where the game cannot "see" the full assets of a family that is in another sub-neighborhood.


Title: Re: Is there a hack for Rich Sims
Post by: jrd on 2007 January 13, 09:06:25
I actually have a little button on the lot debugger to ensure that sims marrying from one family into another get properly attached dowries without the corresponding memory spam, under shift-click "Special.../Marriage Split", which will split off that sim with 50K from the treasury(option not available if you don't HAVE 50K) into the lot bin, so you can plop them onto an empty lot and then continue the ceremony.
I can't find this option. Is it released yet?

Title: Re: Is there a hack for Rich Sims
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 January 13, 09:16:18
I think it's in the shiftclick options. And you have to have 50K in cash.

Title: Re: Is there a hack for Rich Sims
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2007 January 13, 21:52:51
When I moved out one of the Goth children who had gotten married and had a child, they took over half of the household money, and when I went back to the main house, they had definitely lost that amount, it wasn't a magical gift.  I was using no20k handouts too.

Title: Re: Is there a hack for Rich Sims
Post by: GayJohnScarritt on 2007 January 13, 22:20:29
   The 'move-out' option is working fine for me.  Not sure where the break-point levels are for # of sims, i've had 7 in the lot, 1 moves out and takes 10%, then today i had a spare son move out, there were 5 on the lot before moving and he took 16% of the cash with him.   The exact % they take doesn't worry me.
   It's when i am playing a different lot, and a sim marries in a playable, then i go back to her family's lot and it was a magical gift.  I'm doing my best to keep cash from just appearing and those silly sims still find ways to create cash out of thin air.    ;)
   If something can be done about that darn 'die of old age in platinum' insurance policy, i'd be ecstatic.   :)   

Title: Re: Is there a hack for Rich Sims
Post by: jase on 2007 January 23, 18:15:56
If you do look into that, maybe it would help to consult Jase's no lottery move in fix (  He updated it for Pets as well.  I also would prefer that households "lose" the money that a sim moving out takes with them.  There may be funky issues with this, especially regarding moving in/marrying sims across sub-neighborhoods, since you still have that problem where the game cannot "see" the full assets of a family that is in another sub-neighborhood.


The GSC that adjusts assets on a remote lot is borked.  It's never worked.  You can read, but you cannot write except to the active lot.  Conceivably, you could stuff a token on one of the residents of the remote lot and have a controller which polls for the presence of said token and deducts the appropriate amount of cash from household funds when the lot is loaded.  Maybe I'll do that for version 3.0 :)  Or maybe Maxis can just fix the fracking bug.