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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Karen on 2006 December 06, 23:27:29

Title: Kid won't stay asleep
Post by: Karen on 2006 December 06, 23:27:29
I have a kid who keeps waking up after only a few minutes of sleep.  There is no ghost present, no noisy objects in the room, nothing obvious that would be causing him to wake up.  I get a "too many iterations" error and then he jumps out of bed.

I tried using the lot debugger to "nuke dream trackers", and it got rid of three of them, but the error is still happening.  This happens regardless of whether I tell him to sleep in the bed or the sleepclock orders him there.  Within ten minutes or so after going to sleep, he's awake again.  Any ideas? 

Title: Re: Kid won't stay asleep
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 07, 05:32:15
All available evidence suggests that this is the work of the Non-Awesome.