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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: gethane on 2006 December 06, 03:29:27

Title: Looking for good custom pets
Post by: gethane on 2006 December 06, 03:29:27
Someone here (I think it was here) posted a link to their site. It wasn't very fancy, just some pictures and a download link, for some pets they made that were more true to breed than Maxis breeds. I remember thinking, "Oh, when I'm ready for some pets, those would be cool." Unfortunately, I cannot recall who or where it was. I did go through several pages here and in Peasantry trying to find it to no avail. I think they just posted a link within a thread that was not necessarily about their stuff, just kind of a "well I made a few things if it will help," type of comment.

Any help appreciated!

Title: Re: Looking for good custom pets
Post by: Marg on 2006 December 06, 04:51:53
I think this was the site that was mentioned.    She is still working on some of them so they aren't all loaded onto the site yet.   I thought the same thing but I saved the site to my favorites so I could go and get them later.

Title: Re: Looking for good custom pets
Post by: gethane on 2006 December 06, 05:47:39
thank you! that was it!

Title: Re: Looking for good custom pets
Post by: Orikes on 2006 December 06, 05:54:46
Speaking of custom puppies, has anyone seen anyone come up with a Pomeranian breed?

Title: Re: Looking for good custom pets
Post by: Marg on 2006 December 06, 06:07:27
I haven't noticed any Pomeranians in my travels.    I would like Shih Tzu with their squished in noses and I haven't seen any of them either. 

gethane your welcome.     Glad I could help.

Title: Re: Looking for good custom pets
Post by: spookymuffin on 2006 December 06, 10:30:02
I think this pom is pretty decent: (

Title: Re: Looking for good custom pets
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 December 06, 20:32:20
This one has got to be the cutest pomeranian that I'm ever seen:

Look at those eyes.

Title: Re: Looking for good custom pets
Post by: BastDawn on 2006 December 06, 20:40:27
Yeesh -- it looks more like a toy than a real animal... both the Sim pet and the actual dog.  It's hard to believe that's the same species as a doberman.  How the heck did anyone ever manage to breed that?

Title: Re: Looking for good custom pets
Post by: phyllis_p on 2006 December 06, 21:09:07
I haven't noticed any Pomeranians in my travels.    I would like Shih Tzu with their squished in noses and I haven't seen any of them either. 

gethane your welcome.     Glad I could help.

This Shih Tzu reminds me of mine when she's just come back from the groomer. ( I can't keep her hair long, too much maintenance.

Title: Re: Looking for good custom pets
Post by: Marg on 2006 December 06, 21:33:37
 Thank You phyllisp.    That looks like mine too.    We used to breed and show but now I clip them right back.   Show coat requires about an hour per day per dog and I just don't want to bother with it anymore.   

Title: Re: Looking for good custom pets
Post by: Orikes on 2006 December 07, 03:00:22
Thanks for the links to the Pomeranians, guys. :) I'm not a big fan of small dogs, but I am rather fond of Poms. They're just too cute.

Title: Re: Looking for good custom pets
Post by: moondance on 2006 December 07, 07:07:11
Poms are cute, but they are the weirdest dogs personality-wise I've ever encountered.  My mom's had four of them, and three of the four (the three females) attached themselves obsessively to my mom and pretty much despised every other living creature in the world. 

The fourth, the male, wasn't obsessively attached to anything or anyone except a stuffed pink bear he stole from my little brother.  The dog actually broke a tooth attacking the vacuum cleaner because my mom vacuumed too close to Pinky Bear.

None of the poms ever realized that they were *small* dogs, and would growl at and/or bite anyone who annoyed them.  This led to the death of the first one, when she attacked a big dog and got her skull crushed in return.  The male was no smarter, just luckier--he attacked my stepfather's deer hounds on a fairly regular basis.  Then again, maybe he was smarter.  Those deer hounds are so mild-mannered they'd always either run away from the pom, or else stand there and stare at him in complete bewilderment.

My mom still loves pomeranians, but they are at the very bottom of my "dogs I'd like to own" list.

Title: Re: Looking for good custom pets
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 07, 08:41:33
That's not weird, that entirely typical of small dogs. My newest dog is very much like that.

Title: Re: Looking for good custom pets
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2006 December 07, 15:02:50
That's not weird, that entirely typical of small dogs. My newest dog is very much like that.

What?  No English Mastiff at your side, Pescado?   Your bunker is in jeopardy.

Title: Re: Looking for good custom pets
Post by: miros on 2006 December 07, 15:48:21
That's not weird, that entirely typical of small dogs. My newest dog is very much like that.

What?  No English Mastiff at your side, Pescado?   Your bunker is in jeopardy.

1) Little dogs are cheaper to feed.
2) Little dogs are psycho and think they're big dogs.  The intruders are the ones in jeopardy!

Title: Re: Looking for good custom pets
Post by: Gwill on 2006 December 07, 17:59:06
Small dogs also have very good biteforce compared to size.
Not to mention that most intruders would die of shame if they were attacked by a pack of rabid chiwawas.

Title: Re: Looking for good custom pets
Post by: moondance on 2006 December 08, 00:12:53
I dunno, the other small dogs I've lived with have been like that, yeah, but in the poms all the psycho traits were magnified about 10 times.

My mom has a dachsund now.  She's great, not really psychotic at all(**), but she rivals the yard beagles when it comes to being stubborn.  She was also really tough to housebreak, comparitively--but she's in my mom's house, not mine, so it's all good.

(**I'm talking about the dachsund here, not my mom. Mom's great too, but a bit psychotic.)

Title: Re: Looking for good custom pets
Post by: V on 2006 December 08, 00:25:46
I have an English Mastiff. Given the opportunity she would eat dachunds and yappy little dogs. She was terrified of cats until my cat had kittens several years ago. Now she sleeps with kittens.

Title: Re: Looking for good custom pets
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 08, 00:49:54
I have an English Mastiff. Given the opportunity she would eat dachunds and yappy little dogs.
I dunno, those little yappy dogs are fast. Mine bounces off walls and tearasses around the room crazily like 4-pound superball. Thing practically never stops moving and even my other dog can't catch him. He can literally do burnouts across the floor fast enough that you can smell the hair burning. Maxis "hyper" is like what this dog would be like if heavily sedated.

Title: Re: Looking for good custom pets
Post by: V on 2006 December 08, 01:09:05
My dog would probably mistake your dog for a cat and consider him bewildering and probably harmless... unless he appeared to be attacking "her kids".

The dachshund that was nearly eaten was very slow. The little yappy dog that was put in the hospital (actually belonged to my father in law) was darting about rather crazily, but my dog thought she was attacking the kids and so put a stop to the attack as efficiently as she could.

These dogs are not vicious and mine are certainly not trained to be vicious, but something about those little yappy dogs and the hot dog quality of the dachshund must creep them out. I have had two English Mastiffs and known three others and their only real fault in their behavior was a tendency to eat the small and yappy.

But I don't like dogs in general. When I say, "My dog" I mean "My husband's dog that I take primary care of because my husband spends a lot of time away from home on business."

Title: Re: Looking for good custom pets
Post by: SilentDream on 2006 December 08, 02:32:13
I have an English Mastiff. Given the opportunity she would eat dachunds and yappy little dogs.
I dunno, those little yappy dogs are fast. Mine bounces off walls and tearasses around the room crazily like 4-pound superball. Thing practically never stops moving and even my other dog can't catch him. He can literally do burnouts across the floor fast enough that you can smell the hair burning. Maxis "hyper" is like what this dog would be like if heavily sedated.

That sounds like my little dog. She's some kind of terrier or doberman or something along those lines. She has it in her head that she has to be on top of something at all times if possible, which leads to furniture hopping when my brother brings over her favorite friend - a tiny italian greyhound of about the same size. Though I have to say when she misses her jump because she's a moron and hits the footrest instead is pretty entertaining. By then you just try to stay in the middle of the room and not get run over. In comparison, my slightly large dogs are just about as lazy as dirt.

Obviously, small dogs are more ferocious than their larger counter parts. They have speed, stealth (not my little dog, she has a tendency to run into walls when she's drunk - yes my dog is an alcoholic, it's not my fault.), they fight dirty (my little dog pulls the bigger dog around by her collar, I'm not kidding), and you know? I've been bitten by my little dog and my bigger dogs, and that little dog hurt ten fucking times more. Unless of course you're talking about an italian greyhound, the only one I know won't bite or bark, she just nibbles and kind of mumbles if that makes any sense.