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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: kutto on 2006 December 03, 23:14:22

Title: Townie Question
Post by: kutto on 2006 December 03, 23:14:22
I have several sims that I have no desire to play. They are the product of an overactive family sim, and they have all developed little to no interesting characteristics. I don't wish to delete them, and I'm not sure if I even can since they are fourth generation children. What would be the effect of making them into Townies? I don't care about their skills or jobs, but family relations and personality I don't want changed.

Title: Re: Townie Question
Post by: Gwill on 2006 December 03, 23:17:26
I'm pretty sure nothing happens to their personality and relations, but I think they get randomly assigned jobs.  At least the townies I've made have been assigned jobs, but they were all unemployed to start with.

Let me check the relationships of sims I've townified...

Edit:  All my townies have kept their relations and personalities, and as far as I can tell; skill when they became townies.
Dormies lose their major, and start over as freshmens as far as I can tell.

Title: Re: Townie Question
Post by: kutto on 2006 December 03, 23:38:05
Thank you very much. A few of my sims have an appointment with a bush.

Title: Re: Townie Question
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 04, 03:02:37
Townies may magically gain skills appropriate to their randomly assigned job, although they won't lose any.

Title: Re: Townie Question
Post by: witch on 2006 December 04, 10:47:09
I've always disposed of excess sims by making them into townies, usually better dressed and more interesting townies than the Maxis ones I think. Inge's bush is fine and hasn't caused any problems in my game that I'm aware of. Sometimes I'll bring them back into play later on if they suit a new storyline, that seems to work fine too. Plus it gives me a bigger townie pool for romance and shopping.

Title: Re: Townie Question
Post by: Orikes on 2006 December 05, 01:45:53
Do sims that are made into townies keep their familial, generational connections? In other words, are they still part of the family tree?

Title: Re: Townie Question
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 05, 02:04:07
Yes, townies retain their family trees if they have any. Moving them in via normal channels may cause memory loss, though.

Title: Re: Townie Question
Post by: kutto on 2006 December 05, 02:14:08
Doesn't syberspunk have a mod for that? And I assume that abnormal channels would be SimPE?

Title: Re: Townie Question
Post by: Orikes on 2006 December 05, 04:52:24
Yes, townies retain their family trees if they have any. Moving them in via normal channels may cause memory loss, though.

Is there a way to move them in via non-normal channels to prevent memory loss? Or is it just something to be dealt with? I've noticed that the townies I have moved in with families tend to keep their relationships with people they've met, but don't recall any of the memory-inducing things they might have done with those people.

Title: Re: Townie Question
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 05, 05:10:34
There are hacks that can avoid memory loss, and moving in via things like the Ingelogical shrub also skip the entire move-in ceremony with the memory spam and whatnot.