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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: AllenABQ on 2005 September 20, 22:33:02

Title: Townie & NPC Maker is a tool now, not a cheat?
Post by: AllenABQ on 2005 September 20, 22:33:02
I don't know if anyone else brought this up yet or not.

When you install Nightlife, the "Townie & NPC Maker" is available in the Buy Mode Collections group in a folder at the end of the list with the EA Games logo on it.  I know it isn't a hack.  I do not have Dizzy's version of it in my downloads folder.  Additionally it looks like a bare tree and has all the functions included for generating Nightlife NPCs and downtownies.

I know this kind of functionality was previously a part of the whole boolprop cheat group.  So the question is did Maxis give us this hidden bonus on purpose, or was it supposed to be something that got removed before shipping?


Title: Re: Townie & NPC Maker is a tool now, not a cheat?
Post by: dizzy on 2005 September 20, 22:55:20
(This is why I've been telling people with Nightlife to get rid of my hack.)

Title: Re: Townie & NPC Maker is a tool now, not a cheat?
Post by: AllenABQ on 2005 September 20, 23:23:10
I loved you hack, dizzy.

Did you add the extra functionality like townie count and generate 5 at once type stuff?  Because the Maxis object in Nightlife doesn't have all the options yours did.