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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: kewian on 2006 December 03, 06:18:44

Title: Im pissed...bald werewolves?
Post by: kewian on 2006 December 03, 06:18:44
I had my first two werewolves savage some new neighbors and they beat them  and they appeared to transform ... they acted like werewolves but no fur!  The other two have fur day and night..but these two are bald except for some slight mussing of the man's hair.  The transform takes place at the right times but   one set is furry and one is bald. damn it! 

Title: Re: Im pissed...bald werewolves?
Post by: moonluck on 2006 December 03, 08:32:51
Do the bald ones have custom skin tones? Apparently sims with custom skin tones aren't cool enough to be weres according to Maxis EA.

I think there is a fix here somewhere.

Title: Re: Im pissed...bald werewolves?
Post by: pioupiou on 2006 December 03, 08:40:01
I have made a fix for werewolf's baldness due to custom skintone. You can find it in Peasantry here (,6098.0.html)

Title: Re: Im pissed...bald werewolves?
Post by: kewian on 2006 December 03, 12:41:40
Thank  you. I realized something was funny when I had them attack a sim and they turned fuzzy. i will apply this right now. Thank you. :D

Title: Re: Im pissed...bald werewolves?
Post by: Inge on 2006 December 03, 12:45:16
You were so drunk you were seeing bald werewolves?  That's drunk!

Title: Re: Im pissed...bald werewolves?
Post by: kewian on 2006 December 03, 15:03:43
heh..yup!....actually its like pioupiou said  a conflict with custom  skin tones. I removed the vampire one and added the packagefile...and at 8 pm....fuzzies!  Looks much better... they justlooked creepy  loping around with no fur.