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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: croiduire on 2006 December 03, 05:35:56

Title: Gone Today, Hair Tomorrow
Post by: croiduire on 2006 December 03, 05:35:56
OK, in my own sickening pollyanna-ploid fashion, I'm trying to convince myself that it's good that I vaporized my bloated downloads folder...

yeah, right...

However, this does give me a chance to ask people what hair works best for them. I hate downloading something that looks great on the site, but when I try and use it has huge cracks and gaps in the mesh, or has animations that cut the sim in half.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I particularly want rugged, sexy long male hair--chin to mid-back length (below the shoulder blades)-that doesn't look too effeminate or fussy.

Title: Re: Gone Today, Hair Tomorrow
Post by: SpaceDoll on 2006 December 03, 06:33:11
I 'sploded my whole computer, and the new empty download folder was actually a relief.  It was good to start over without all the crap I got at TSR back when the game was new and there was nothing else.  I am also organizing in a much more logical fashion this time around.   ;D  Good male hair is very hard to find.  I like Seomi's stuff, but it is definitely on the Japanesey/effeminate side.  Good luck!!

Title: Re: Gone Today, Hair Tomorrow
Post by: Scratch on 2006 December 03, 07:19:21
I did the same myself. Nuked the whole thing and started again.

I like the male hairs at ( from myos, and kavars hair at , but i had to do a lot of binning.

Good luck   :P

Title: Re: Gone Today, Hair Tomorrow
Post by: SpaceDoll on 2006 December 03, 07:22:24
Oh-- I totally forgot Hysterical Paroxysm!!  Check out her hairs at MTS2; they are masculine, detailed, and binned to boot!! Lovely stuff.

Title: Re: Gone Today, Hair Tomorrow
Post by: Ness on 2006 December 03, 19:57:02
Are they animated?  I can't stand hair that looks like it should move and bounce and then doesn't...  But I'm always looking for GOOD hair!

Title: Re: Gone Today, Hair Tomorrow
Post by: Gwill on 2006 December 03, 20:00:39
Hysterical Paroxysm's hairs aren't animated, but they don't look like they should be.  They're too short to animate, if they were animated it would look terrible.

Title: Re: Gone Today, Hair Tomorrow
Post by: Ness on 2006 December 03, 20:27:43
Cool..  I'll go check them out this evening.

Title: Re: Gone Today, Hair Tomorrow
Post by: Orikes on 2006 December 05, 01:50:53
I really like most of of the hair at XMSims - Any defects seem to be pretty minor, and I think the later ones are all animated.

There's a few others I really like. I'll take a look in my downloads folders and see where I should point you.

Oh, and HolySimoly absolutely rocks for furniture. They make great stuff and are really friendly.