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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Assmitten on 2006 December 01, 06:23:00

Title: One Twin is in college, and the other's not...except he is.
Post by: Assmitten on 2006 December 01, 06:23:00
I have a family of 12. I just booted the oldest twins off to college. I ran a year of their life at Uni to age them up there, before the other kids start joining them.

This is more weird than a problem. I sent the oldest twin off first, and the second off minutes later. As I said, they are both at their Uni and playable. The family still at the house is having "you moved out" wants relating to the older twin, such as "invite over" and "call to chat." With the other twin, the parents are having high school-related wants, such as "Twin 2 is an Overachiever" and "Twin 2 gets a scholarship."

Is there anything I can do to make this stop? I have quit and saved and gone back in, but I haven't messed with it further. I just want the want slots to be achievable. Thanks.

Title: Re: One Twin is in college, and the other's not...except he is.
Post by: Venusy on 2006 December 01, 06:35:10
Have you tried rerolling the wants using the Lot Debugger?

Title: Re: One Twin is in college, and the other's not...except he is.
Post by: Assmitten on 2006 December 01, 06:52:49
No, not yet. I will. You think it's as simple as the wants being stuck? Have you seen this before for different people? The wants reroll on their own and they keep coming up with the same theme. But not the exact same slots or the same wants. Sometimes those wants go away and shift to jobs or the other 4,000 children, but then they'll come back.

Title: Re: One Twin is in college, and the other's not...except he is.
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 December 01, 10:55:04
Check the parents' (and any of the other remaining siblings) memories. Make sure they have separate memories of Twin 1 and Twin 2 having gone to college. Maybe something funky happened when you moved your twins out and the memories got borked? If the parents and remaing sibs are missing memories... you'll have to fix them using SimPE.


Title: Re: One Twin is in college, and the other's not...except he is.
Post by: miros on 2006 December 01, 11:24:55
I'm assuming you sent them in the taxi, not from the neighborhood screen?

Title: Re: One Twin is in college, and the other's not...except he is.
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 December 01, 13:37:29
I also recall a discussion here not long ago about college-related wants not being filled in other family members if the YA moves into an already occupied dorm and misses the whole move-in thing (with or without the special event cinematic). I think they just fade away on their own.  IAC, it's probably a good idea to move a new student into an empty dorm, or an empty lot first if you have plans to move them into an occupied dorm, just to clear  all those college-related wants other sims have for them.

Title: Re: One Twin is in college, and the other's not...except he is.
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 December 01, 15:40:12
maybe it will help if you have the parents over to visit   :-\

Title: Re: One Twin is in college, and the other's not...except he is.
Post by: Assmitten on 2006 December 01, 20:07:17
Thanks, everyone. I'm going to try these tonight until we have a winnah. Yes, I called a taxi, BTW.

Title: Re: One Twin is in college, and the other's not...except he is.
Post by: maxon on 2006 December 10, 18:23:00
I also recall a discussion here not long ago about college-related wants not being filled in other family members if the YA moves into an already occupied dorm and misses the whole move-in thing (with or without the special event cinematic). I think they just fade away on their own.  IAC, it's probably a good idea to move a new student into an empty dorm, or an empty lot first if you have plans to move them into an occupied dorm, just to clear  all those college-related wants other sims have for them.

Yeah I do that - I have a lot called the Accommodation Office with 1 dorm room which they move into first and then move straight back out again once they've grown up.  If they grow into really stupid clothes, I sometimes exit without saving and try again.

Title: Re: One Twin is in college, and the other's not...except he is.
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 December 10, 23:40:36
I don't think you even need to have a dorm room on the lot, though it doesn't hurt. :)  I've done it with a completely empty tiny lot (2x1, I think), and they still do the grow-up spin, and the wants get filled AFAIK.

Title: Re: One Twin is in college, and the other's not...except he is.
Post by: miros on 2006 December 11, 15:26:53
A dorm is a free in-and-out.  A rental lot takes some of your money.

Title: Re: One Twin is in college, and the other's not...except he is.
Post by: jrd on 2006 December 11, 15:53:18
If the first dormies in a newly initiated dorm are CAS-made, the dorm /will/ generate bills.

Title: Re: One Twin is in college, and the other's not...except he is.
Post by: miros on 2006 December 11, 16:30:45
They aren't staying there that long!  Just long enough to spin around, fill mom's wants (and their own), and decide where to live...

Title: Re: One Twin is in college, and the other's not...except he is.
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 December 11, 16:39:43
A dorm is a free in-and-out.  A rental lot takes some of your money.

good point, though most of my teens go to uni with more money than they know what to do with, and the cost of an empty rental lot is minuscule.

Title: Re: One Twin is in college, and the other's not...except he is.
Post by: miros on 2006 December 19, 22:08:05
A related problem: 

Mom and Dad both had the "Baird goes to college" want, which I locked.  Baird went to college using the "Send Teens to University" button on the Neighborhood screen, along with his Townie teen girlfriend.  Dad was there for the cinematic, but not Mom.  The next time I played Mom and Dad's house, Dad's "Baird goes to college" want had been spun away, so I assume it was filled, but Mom's was still there and still locked.

What gives?  Should I send teens to college only with the "Move to College" menu item on the phone or computer?