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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: FrickinIdjit on 2006 November 28, 18:02:42

Title: So very broken
Post by: FrickinIdjit on 2006 November 28, 18:02:42

The only werewolf in town is dead.  My teenager knows it.  He's not on good enough terms with the LotP to get nibbled and he won't be bringing home an A+ because it's Saturday.  The dog's ghost is active, but he'll never see it because it's impossible.  Without cheating, my only choices are to either kill his girlfriend or electrocute the kid and hope that all he loses is a skill point.  But he lives alone...

Title: Re: So very broken
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 November 28, 18:15:45
That's the world of 4 want slots for ya. Looks like you already have permaplat, so who cares?

Title: Re: So very broken
Post by: miros on 2006 November 28, 18:17:28
Use the lot debugger to spin up some new wants.

Title: Re: So very broken
Post by: FrickinIdjit on 2006 November 28, 18:56:45
He's nowhere near permaplat.  A combined First Kiss/Go Steady topped off his aspy meter.

Thanks for the suggestion, Miros.  I'll try spinning up some new wants.

Title: Re: So very broken
Post by: Gwill on 2006 November 28, 23:40:42
Put him to bed.  Sims tend to re-roll wants when they wake up in the morning.  Either that, or you can cheat or wait for Monday to come.

Title: Re: So very broken
Post by: GayJohnScarritt on 2006 November 28, 23:57:44
   Forgive me but i'm not seeing the problem.  He's got a girlfriend, it's saturday morning, so when he needs that asperation boost, send him on a date or send him to a comm lot (mine roll up new wants at that point, usually to do with romantic interactions).  Some of those big point wants he has now should stop rolling up the next day.

Title: Re: So very broken
Post by: FrickinIdjit on 2006 November 29, 12:53:12
The problem is that I'm still seeing the dead werewolf in his friends' aspiration panels.  The wants and fears about curing him or hearing him howl are still there.  The teenager above is just one example of what's going on all over my Pets neighborhood.  My sims wake up, come home from work or a date, and go to bed without losing the dead werewolf and pet ghosts spam.

Edit: I found and fixed the problem - his death token was for someone named Michelle Sims.

Title: Re: So very broken
Post by: miros on 2006 November 30, 15:40:40
Great that you fixed it!  However, you might want to use nopetsobsession to reduce the pet/werewolf related wants.

Title: Re: So very broken
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 November 30, 16:45:14
The Death Token is not the cause. Death Tokens are not memories and do not show valid owners, that is just a SimPE data misinterpretation. Werewolf-related wants for a DEAD werewolf will eventually fade when the want tree expires on its own, and without the presence of the living werewolf to refresh it, will not reseed.

Title: Re: So very broken
Post by: FrickinIdjit on 2006 November 30, 20:58:48
Thank you again, Miros.  I have nopetsobsession.

The Death Token is not the cause. Death Tokens are not memories and do not show valid owners, that is just a SimPE data misinterpretation. Werewolf-related wants for a DEAD werewolf will eventually fade when the want tree expires on its own, and without the presence of the living werewolf to refresh it, will not reseed.

You're right.  My sims still show wants and fears about him.  Is it safe to assume that his townie lover will one day lose her fear of falling out of love with him, too?

Title: Re: So very broken
Post by: phyllis_p on 2006 November 30, 21:11:44
I don't know if this will help, but I had a Maxis-made Sim who kept worrying about cheating on her dead husband, for a reason unknown to me.  I used the tombstone of L&D to add him to the household, which brought up the message that he'd died on another lot and would return there.  After that she recognized the fact that he was dead and quit obsessing.  I don't know whether this will help in your case -- probably not, since the circumstances are somewhat different, and since Pescado has already spoken and I bow to his superior knowledge (no sarcasm) -- but I thought I'd mention it.

Title: Re: So very broken
Post by: FrickinIdjit on 2006 November 30, 21:40:53
Denise Jacquet had an occasional fear that she'd catch her dead husband cheating but I just ignored it.  Nutso fears aren't bad but wants about dead werewolves are tough when you're playing with only four slots.  I wonder how long it takes for the want trees to expire?  The kid in the example grew up two days ago and still wants to hear the dead werewolf howl.