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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Auntie on 2006 November 28, 16:26:41

Title: Sim can't go home
Post by: Auntie on 2006 November 28, 16:26:41
Gilbert Jacquet hopped in his yellow sports car in front of his bakery to drive home.  The home lot never loaded, just kept looping so I killed the program.  Restarted the game, the plumbbob over his house is lit and the bakery dull.  I tried to open the home lot but no joy.  When I restarted the program again, I opened a neighboring lot and then clicked on the Jacquet house but the lot still won't load.  Any idea how to fix this? 

Title: Re: Sim can't go home
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 November 28, 16:29:15
That sounds like a bug that was fixed with the latest OFB patch that was issued months ago -- have you installed it?

Title: Re: Sim can't go home
Post by: jrd on 2006 November 28, 18:15:30
Ugh, I hate this bug. It was mostly stomped by OFBp1 but I encountered it a few times after myself.
I guess you can't load the business lot either?

How I fixed it last time, roughly step-by-step:
1) Load another family.
2) Teleport the stuck Sim in with the Simlogical teleporter, and add them to that family. (Don't worry, this is just temporary.)
3) Go the neighbourhood and enter the business lot in build mode.
4) Place the lot crowbar from its collection (search this forum for it, it should be somewhere). This will break free the business lot. If your stuck Sim appears, send him home!
5) If your stuck Sim appeared, he will go to his original home (not the other family). If he did not appear, just save the business lot, and load his original family lot.
6) Use the Simlogical teleporter to add the Sim back to his original family.

I only encounter this bug if I saved the business lot while the Sim was there. Just don't save when not at home.

Title: Re: Sim can't go home
Post by: miros on 2006 November 28, 18:20:09
The other way to prevent it is to use a taxi to get to your own business lot.

Title: Re: Sim can't go home
Post by: Auntie on 2006 December 01, 12:10:07
Thanks Jordi.  The teleporter was the way to go.  I rescued him from the twilight zone and added him to another family, like you said.  He was able to come and go to his budiness then without any further problems.  Since he lives alone, his home lot was now empty and up for sale so it was just a matter of having him "Find own place" and buy back his house.  His stuff was gone but he can always buy more.  The wierd thing was, shortly after he moved back home, his car showed up by itself.