More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Nauthiz on 2006 November 25, 12:31:05

Title: Chocolate peeing again!
Post by: Nauthiz on 2006 November 25, 12:31:05
I had this problem long long time ago, it dissapeared after updating and everything was fine. But today a little boy in my testing family (new beta Kitten Killer ;)) watered the shrub outside, leaving a chocolate puddle instead of yellow one.

What I did by far:
 -- made everyone in the family (including pets) pee their pants -- they leave yellow puddles, the problem is related only to relieving in the bushes;
 -- copied all files from latest in Pets directory (from 30 October) to ensure I didn't deleted something by mistake;
 -- removed Inteen, Insim and a few other hacks I'd added lately (excluding new ACR, though, I have trust in that...);
 -- tested it with and without shrubtoilethack -- this hack seems okay.
No change, the problem remains the same.

The error log attached comes from Force Error on the puddle. The puddle when outside evaporates normally.

Title: Re: Chocolate peeing again!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 November 25, 12:42:22
-- made everyone in the family (including pets) pee their pants -- they leave yellow puddles, the problem is related only to relieving in the bushes;
Your pets have pants? And you are a bad, bad person. :P

But today a little boy in my testing family (new beta Kitten Killer ;)) watered the shrub outside, leaving a chocolate puddle instead of yellow one.

Title: Re: Chocolate peeing again!
Post by: Nauthiz on 2006 November 25, 12:55:12
I hope you've noticed that:
-- removed Inteen, Insim and a few other hacks I'd added lately

Besides, all kittens have nine lives.  ;)

Title: Re: Chocolate peeing again!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 November 25, 13:03:09
Try now.

Title: Re: Chocolate peeing again!
Post by: Nauthiz on 2006 November 25, 13:14:17
Now it works fine, thanks.  :-* The update is posted half an hour after my first post - I'm really impressed.