More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: vecki on 2006 November 20, 23:52:41

Title: The Case of the Disappearing Downtown
Post by: vecki on 2006 November 20, 23:52:41
I have a strange situation.  The other day I wanted to send some sims to Bernard's Botanical Dining downtown.  Unfortunately that particular destination didn't appear.  I've used it before with no problems, so I couldn't figure out why it wasn't there.

So last night I sat down with my downtown, and my NL Prima Guide, and had a look to see what lots were there, and which ones weren't.  As a result, my downtown is looking very, very sad.

Missing Community Lots
Bernard's Botanical Dining
Deh'Javu Modern Art Museum
Fresh Rush Grocery
Go Here Sunshine Park
Gothier Green Lawns
Lost in Love Hedge Maze
The Corner Shoppes

But that's not all!  I'm also missing a bunch of residential lots from downtown.

Missing Residential Lots
103 Custer Boulevard
105 Custer Boulevard
107 Custer Boulevard
34 King Street
36 Greaves Avenue
38 Greaves Avenue
House of Fallen Trees

Now luckily none of the missing lots had sims on them, but just to be safe I've moved four households out of downtown.

Has anyone else had this happen?  Any idea why this might be happening?  Is it a BFBVFS waiting to happen?  This only seems to have happened downtown; the base hood, uni, and bluewater seem to be ok so far.

For all I know this could have been going on pre-Pets, but its only post-Pets that I've actually noticed the problem (ie wanted to send sims to a lot that wasn't there - I don't often send sims downtown).


Title: Re: The Case of the Disappearing Downtown
Post by: vecki on 2006 November 22, 06:46:31
Truly?  Nobody else has had this problem?  ???

Title: Re: The Case of the Disappearing Downtown
Post by: jrd on 2006 November 22, 07:55:46
Not I...

Title: Re: The Case of the Disappearing Downtown
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 November 22, 08:40:05
I think this is the "orphaned lot description" effect. If your lots were formerly there but went missing, something may have mangled the lot description, resulting in the orphaned file of that lot still being there, while the lot itself is no longer physically associated to your neighborhood. If you have a backup of when that lot formerly existed, you can splice it back into being with SimPE.

Otherwise, BFBVFS.

Title: Re: The Case of the Disappearing Downtown
Post by: phyllis_p on 2006 November 22, 14:37:32
The only time I had lots go missing was after I got OFB.  A residential lot containing a home business, and a community lot with an owned business both went missing after changing uniforms for employees.  The OFB patch claimed to have fixed that, and presumably did so as I have not experienced that since.

It doesn't sound like what's causing your problem, but I wanted to at least offer sympathy and share an experience.

Title: Re: The Case of the Disappearing Downtown
Post by: vecki on 2006 November 22, 22:49:45

Crap.  There goes my fourth attempt at getting past the second generation of Pleasantview.

Title: Re: The Case of the Disappearing Downtown
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 November 24, 08:34:56
You should backup more often. :P

Title: Re: The Case of the Disappearing Downtown
Post by: vecki on 2006 November 26, 22:49:22
Well a couple times I've gotten bored or decided I've let Brandi and Cassandra have too many kids (not together! Actually, come to think of it...), or I've had a plague of alien abductions that I didn't want, or 'hey, wouldn't it be cool if...'

I've just restarted again, and I've already had an accidental adoption for Dina and Mortimer (I have no idea how, they were trying to hire a maid but the Call...Service dialog box never even appeared, before the 'congratulations!  I'll be around tomorrow to drop off your kid' message came up) , he's a halfway decent looking kid but they're already expecting twins so I aged him up quickly and booted him off to college as a Grilled Cheese sim.  I've gotten sick of the Sim State University students so I've attached Academie Le Tour instead.  No Bluewater Village this time either, waste of space that that is.

I really, really, hate the pet obsession though.  You're only getting a pet if I decide to give you one!  Alright?!  No!  You can't have a pet! No kittens or puppies for you!  You can't even feed your kids!  Hell, you can't even feed yourself!  By the way, your husband is sleeping with the maid!  Maybe look at him every now and then, Mary Sue!

Title: Re: The Case of the Disappearing Downtown
Post by: jrd on 2006 November 27, 09:09:01
You do know about twojeffs' no pet obsession?

Title: Re: The Case of the Disappearing Downtown
Post by: vecki on 2006 November 27, 23:58:01

You do know that your Pescado wannabeism is getting old? >:(

/me scurries off to New Crap anyway


Title: Re: The Case of the Disappearing Downtown
Post by: jrd on 2006 November 28, 07:46:14
What are you babbling on about?

Title: Re: The Case of the Disappearing Downtown
Post by: Myth on 2006 November 28, 09:52:16
The "know it all" tone.  That's what she's probably referring to.  Your post didn't seem helpful, it was patronizing.   ::)

"Not I..."
"You do know about..."

Sounds like ass braying to me.

Title: Re: The Case of the Disappearing Downtown
Post by: jrd on 2006 November 28, 10:00:14
Is that considered patronizing in English? Weird....

Title: Re: The Case of the Disappearing Downtown
Post by: Jarsie on 2006 November 28, 11:51:22
Is that considered patronizing in English? Weird....

I've been accused of sounding patronizing in real life as well, Jordi.

Next time try phrasing your comment like this:

TwoJeffs has a no pet obessesion mod/hack in his forum you might want to try.

That actually sounds helpful.