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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: kacidama on 2006 November 20, 03:36:41

Title: Blacked out heads
Post by: kacidama on 2006 November 20, 03:36:41
I have the opposite problem to sanmonroe's Floating disembodied head. (,6217.0.html)
After I reluctantly installed Pets several of the Uni dormies had no faces and I played a CAS family (created before Pets) today and the son (child) also has a silhouette-type head.  The hair is fine and the clothes/skin from the neck down are normal, as is the loading picture and the on on the sidebar.  I thought it might be a custom skin but his mother has the same skin and she is ok. I tried the electric shock solution by going into *change appearance* and selecting a face paint, then deleting it but the face was still blacked out,
I haven't reloaded my hacks yet as I came here for any updates, but my cc has just been put back into the game after I tested it.  I've never seen this before and I cannot find anyone else with the same problem.

Title: Re: Blacked out heads
Post by: Tigerlilley on 2006 November 21, 00:00:41
I had this problem...shit i can't remember how i fixed it though, and this was before pets...ill have a rumage round and see if i can remember what caused it.  Sorry to be of no help whatsoever.

Title: Re: Blacked out heads
Post by: iainmac on 2006 November 21, 00:08:00
I had this problem with one of the Broke boys,it resolved its self when he transitioned to the next age.

Title: Re: Blacked out heads
Post by: kacidama on 2006 December 18, 13:08:16
I think I know how this works now.  The problem didn't go away after I age transitioned him with Insim and then a baby was born in the game with the same masked face.  When he became a toddler I messed around to try and change his appearance but although I tried to add a face paint and remove it which usually works, this rime it didn't and I thought I had a problem.  I put on some freckles as I like some of my kids to have them and then I wasn't sure what happened because his face appeared.
I retraced the steps and I must have changed his eyebrows.  I went back to the forst kid and changed his brows lo and behold he had his normal face back.  It has worked on all the townies too.

I don't remember installing default eyebrows but I must have done and these overwrote the first two maxis brows (although for some strange reason the other is ok)

Title: Re: Blacked out heads
Post by: miros on 2006 December 18, 20:33:12
I read somewhere that stuff that will replace Maxis stuff has to go in the Overrides folder, not Downloads.

Title: Re: Blacked out heads
Post by: dizzy on 2006 December 19, 02:05:05
Overrides? Where is that?

Title: Re: Blacked out heads
Post by: miros on 2006 December 19, 06:29:53
C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Pets\TSData\Res\Overrides

Title: Re: Blacked out heads
Post by: jrd on 2006 December 19, 08:33:28
Well it doesn't have to go there, but mods which change the propery set or change textures seem to work better if placed there.