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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Velax on 2005 September 20, 04:57:41

Title: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: Velax on 2005 September 20, 04:57:41

Well now you know. Looks like an alien, with the blue skin, really. Does all the normal zombie shuffling around and so forth, but can still stalk, fly and burn. There actually is a bit of alien back in the bloodline too, but it's "grey alien", not normal blue-skinned abducting-type alien.


Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: Bane~Child on 2005 September 20, 13:45:46
How about a Vampire/Zombie/Alien?  I heard you can have those, too.

Ewww, the thought of the skin color alone makes me nauseous.

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: sara_dippity on 2005 September 20, 17:28:12
I'm upset that the alien vampires get red human looking eyes. They should have made it so that they still have the eyes without the whites in them, but instead of solid black, they are solid red. Someone should make a costume makeup for that.

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: Bane~Child on 2005 September 20, 17:49:00
I'm upset that the alien vampires get red human looking eyes. They should have made it so that they still have the eyes without the whites in them, but instead of solid black, they are solid red. Someone should make a costume makeup for that.

I know there are replacement eyes, but I seemed to remember seeing some contacts for the black alien eyes, too.  Hold on a minute...

Here is the link and a picture:

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: nectere on 2005 September 20, 18:07:38
I have some really nice eyes I got from vampire lestate that I plan to trick Nightlife into using instead of red eyes. Red eyes - devil? Vampire - I think should be sorta bluish white.

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: sara_dippity on 2005 September 20, 18:09:25
I don't see any solid red eyes in that collection. I think that a vampire alien should have solid red :).

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 September 20, 21:32:27
Well I tried the contacts, but the vamp overlay including the red eyes lays over top of all makeup, even contacts. So there's no way to get a non red eyed vampire unless you edit the Maxis vamp skin.

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: sara_dippity on 2005 September 20, 21:42:52
Man and I just made some beautiful "pools of blood" eyes. I'll have to try cloning the vampire mask.

Edit ~ done. And beautiful. I wish I could upload them here, but I think the files are too big.

Edit again ~ Ok, I have tried and tried to test this. It does not work in bodyshop, but it did work when I boolProped Miss Singles here to be a vampire. However, I have no way of changing her age or gender to test other ages. If anyone actually has an alien vampire in their game and would like this, it will be on TSR soon, or you can pm me and I will email it to you.

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Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2005 September 21, 00:45:49
I haven't seen any vampires yet. Very disappointed. I was hoping that they might look 'normal' like the secret society people, then transform when they get you in a dark corner of something. I don't want to know if my sim is getting friendly with one. Get my drift? I am already thinking up mods needed for this game even though I have only played for a few hours.

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: virgali on 2005 September 21, 07:38:39
Cool, I got a couple of alienvampires...yeah, I too think the current red eyes kinda suck (for the alien vamps at least)

I also have alienvampirezombie.... The cool thing is..when you turn the vamp into a zombie, it keeps the vampskin and teethe and all the vamp options! Real cool! ;D Also it keeps the zombie skin and animations!  :D So it IS trully a vampire zombie. I think the other way around is the same tho... Although, I haven't tried it yet...

BTW. Just found a cool new bug! "Real Shiny" ::) Some vamps won't get into their matter how low their needs are! One of them I delted the coffin and bought a new onea nd tried a couple of times and i managed to save her... With the other two I had to kill them and use the ressurect-o-nometron to get them back.. ::)

P.S. Here's a pic of my alien Vampire Zombie... ;D

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Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: wyrdwing on 2005 September 21, 12:28:09
Man and I just made some beautiful "pools of blood" eyes. I'll have to try cloning the vampire mask.

Eyes like that would have been cool on alien vampires... i wonder why maxis didn't think of that  :D human eyes on alien especially if it has big eyes... look weird.

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: sara_dippity on 2005 September 21, 14:56:57
Well I tried the contacts, but the vamp overlay including the red eyes lays over top of all makeup, even contacts. So there's no way to get a non red eyed vampire unless you edit the Maxis vamp skin.
I figured it out! When I cloned the vamp skin, I could still use other costume makeups over it. So you can use two. Makes sense, because then vamps can still wear face paint. I didn't think it made sense that costume makeup contacts would not work, because other facepaints did (I don't have contacts in my game, so I couldn't test them). I think what happened is that when I installed nightlife, all the costume makeup code was changed. So pre nightlife costume makeups are not on top of vamp skin if you install them after you install nightlife. No wait, that doesn't make sense. Your contacts probably were in your game before you installed. Were they?

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 September 21, 15:26:57
They weren't in the downloads directory when Nightlife was installed (I yanked it out temporarily) but they were created pre-nightlife.

My thinking is most of the vamp skin is partially transparent and lays over a sims original skin, but the eyes are solid. The reason I think this is because, as you noted, you can still use makeup but the make up's color is altered by the vamp overlay. However, no trace of a sim's original eyecolor seems to be retained, it seems to just get replaced by the red eyes.

I like your solid red eyes though, they're quite nice for aliens.

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: sara_dippity on 2005 September 21, 15:37:26
They weren't in the downloads directory when Nightlife was installed (I yanked it out temporarily) but they were created pre-nightlife.
That could be it then. They must have changed the makeup code in NL, so that it's a second layer and the vamp skin is the first. I did leave in my custom content, I just removed my hacks. So updated contacts could work over vampire eyes. Or, contacts made post-NL.

My thinking is most of the vamp skin is partially transparent and lays over a sims original skin, but the eyes are solid. The reason I think this is because, as you noted, you can still use makeup but the make up's color is altered by the vamp overlay. However, no trace of a sim's original eyecolor seems to be retained, it seems to just get replaced by the red eyes.
Yup, that's correct. The alpha for the skin is transparent except for eyes and teeth.

I like your solid red eyes though, they're quite nice for aliens.
Thanks :).

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: Trubble on 2005 September 21, 16:52:11
So technically makeup isn't supposed to be beneath the vampire skin then? And I don't just mean costume makeup...

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: sara_dippity on 2005 September 21, 17:09:28
Ok, my bad. I used a poor choice in costume makeup when I looked at it the first time. The vampire skin is over, but can be used in conjunction with other costume makeup.
See, with makeup, costume makeup, and with/without vamp clone makeup. It does fade like it's under. Before when I tested it, I just used the eye costume makeup, which as you see, looks like it's over. Sorry, my bad. Well the clones can still be used for nice combinations of things, like if you make freckles out of a non vamp costume makeup and then you can cover it with a paired design with vampire clone makeup.
Excuse my bad testing. I just suck.

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Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: Trubble on 2005 September 21, 17:16:59
Thanks for the explanation :) and the pictures. I dislike the fact that the makeup is always under the vampire skin, but never mind.

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: sara_dippity on 2005 September 21, 19:11:59
Yeah, it has to be cloned from the vamp mask. I plan on making some (don't let the example be a sample of what I would do, just slapped something down for testing). Be a pain though to find full face makeup you liked, and your facepaints would be full of vamp makeup, unless you narrowed it down to three or four of your favorites.

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Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: nectere on 2005 September 21, 19:21:30
so are the red eyes just an overlay color included in the vampire skin (which is body paint), are are there actual red eyes that I can change for defaults?

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: sara_dippity on 2005 September 21, 19:25:41
Overlay makeup.

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: nectere on 2005 September 21, 19:29:28
drats. - makes sense, actually come to think of it, it will be easier to change.

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: linolino on 2005 September 21, 21:27:12
so, there are:
Normal Aliens
Normal Zombies
Normal Vampires

Then, there is: (I have a feeling they might end up with different skin tones)

There is also:

And there is also the:

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: linolino on 2005 September 21, 21:31:31
Ok people i did not understand these make up eyes under or over thing.

1 - Is costume makeup = Full Face Makup ?
2 - Normal makeup including full face will always be under the vampire skin?
3 - How did sara made that full red eyes? is it a full face makeup?
4 - How do i make makeup that will be over the vampire skin?

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: sara_dippity on 2005 September 21, 21:48:12
so, there are:
Normal Aliens
Normal Zombies
Normal Vampires

Then, there is: (I have a feeling they might end up with different skin tones)

There is also:

And there is also the:
Yes. The vampire skin tone is a transparent one, the original skin tone shows through.
Ok people i did not understand these make up eyes under or over thing.

1 - Is costume makeup = Full Face Makup ?
2 - Normal makeup including full face will always be under the vampire skin?
3 - How did sara made that full red eyes? is it a full face makeup?
4 - How do i make makeup that will be over the vampire skin?
1. Yes, full face makeup.
2. Yes, it will be under the vampire skin.
3. Yes, it is a full face makeup cloned from the vampire face makeup (found in Bodyshop) with red eyes.
4. To make your own, clone the vampire face paint. Modify the alpha to include the areas of the face you are painting. I used layers washed with white in Adobe photoshop to do this, so that I could make the layers transparent, then put them over the alpha and save that as the alpha. You don't want solid white for eyeshadow or eyeliner because then the full tone of the vampire mask will show and it might look odd. It could still be done, but you will have to play around with the colors on the skin tone alot. Then you paint directly on the vampire face skin tone for your makeup. Using just they eyeshadow or lipstick will mean that your vampire will show regular skin tone from the neck up. So it's just a little different than making regular makeup.

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: linolino on 2005 September 22, 02:23:10
oh ok thx. but then if i paint directly over the vampire face, it means that all vampires in the game wil get that paint?

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: sara_dippity on 2005 September 22, 03:10:49
No, it will be a clone of the vampire face, a new makeup.

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: linolino on 2005 September 22, 05:05:40
ah ok! thx.

Here, i just tested these out and found aut that: (if anyone has been wondering)

1 - vampires-zombies and zombie-vampires look exactly the same

2 - Once a zombie, always a zombie. I tried to kill a zombie and ressurect him, giving large amouts of money to the grim reaper, but he still ressurected as a zombie.

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: Zythe on 2005 September 22, 16:01:41
Cool, I got a couple of alienvampires...yeah, I too think the current red eyes kinda suck (for the alien vamps at least)

I also have alienvampirezombie.... The cool thing is..when you turn the vamp into a zombie, it keeps the vampskin and teethe and all the vamp options! Real cool! ;D Also it keeps the zombie skin and animations!  :D So it IS trully a vampire zombie. I think the other way around is the same tho... Although, I haven't tried it yet...

BTW. Just found a cool new bug! "Real Shiny" ::) Some vamps won't get into their matter how low their needs are! One of them I delted the coffin and bought a new onea nd tried a couple of times and i managed to save her... With the other two I had to kill them and use the ressurect-o-nometron to get them back.. ::)

P.S. Here's a pic of my alien Vampire Zombie... ;D

I found the fix for that. Force Error>Reset on your vampire.

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: virgali on 2005 September 23, 01:18:01
Cool, I got a couple of alienvampires...yeah, I too think the current red eyes kinda suck (for the alien vamps at least)

I also have alienvampirezombie.... The cool thing is..when you turn the vamp into a zombie, it keeps the vampskin and teethe and all the vamp options! Real cool! ;D Also it keeps the zombie skin and animations!  :D So it IS trully a vampire zombie. I think the other way around is the same tho... Although, I haven't tried it yet...

BTW. Just found a cool new bug! "Real Shiny" ::) Some vamps won't get into their matter how low their needs are! One of them I delted the coffin and bought a new onea nd tried a couple of times and i managed to save her... With the other two I had to kill them and use the ressurect-o-nometron to get them back.. ::)

P.S. Here's a pic of my alien Vampire Zombie... ;D

I found the fix for that. Force Error>Reset on your vampire.

Cool thanx... ;D

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: Velax on 2005 September 23, 02:14:14
Once a zombie, always a zombie. I tried to kill a zombie and ressurect him, giving large amouts of money to the grim reaper, but he still ressurected as a zombie.

What happens if you stiff the Reaper when ressing a zombie? Does it become a sort of super-zombie? Or do two zombifications cancel out and it becomes human again? Or does it, you know, just stay a zombie?

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: nataku on 2005 September 23, 02:33:43
I have a question about the vampire overlay. I dont know how to do any skinning or body shop stuff other than installing things to use in my game so I don't know if this is possible, but do you think it will be possible to change the default vampire overlay like we can change default nude skins? See I'd prefer that my vampire Sims be different just enough that it's noticable if you're paying attention but not obvious. Like I'd prefer that their skin became only a little paler and that their eyes didn't change except to become a little paler in color as well. I dont like the Vampires having red eyes or being so extraordinarily pale. I dont buy into the stereotypical vampire myths so I want my vampires to reflect that if possible.

I know that the vampire overlay is transparent, but it was also said that the only part of it that wasn't was the eyes and teeth. Could the transparency level of the skin tone be changed and the eyes be made transparent (changing the color to match the skin color of the overlay) so that it had the effect of paling the eyes the same amount (without the red) as the skin is paled for each and every vampire sim in the game without my having to make changes to all of them individually just so they'll look right (to me)?

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: sara_dippity on 2005 September 23, 13:49:39
I have a question about the vampire overlay. I dont know how to do any skinning or body shop stuff other than installing things to use in my game so I don't know if this is possible, but do you think it will be possible to change the default vampire overlay like we can change default nude skins?
I beleive people are working on how to extract the full skin. Once this is done, it seems to me that it would be possible.
I know that the vampire overlay is transparent, but it was also said that the only part of it that wasn't was the eyes and teeth. Could the transparency level of the skin tone be changed and the eyes be made transparent (changing the color to match the skin color of the overlay) so that it had the effect of paling the eyes the same amount (without the red) as the skin is paled for each and every vampire sim in the game without my having to make changes to all of them individually just so they'll look right (to me)?
Yes. I don't know what the alpha on the full body is like, but the eyes can definately be changed and then you can make the rest of the alpha less transparent. I imagine the body would have an editable alpha as well, I can't see why it would not. I know skin tones do not have alphas, but I'm positive the body does, since the vampire skintone is transparent. Then when you get it the way you like it, I bet anything people will be able to replace the default vamp skin.
The cheesy animations though, that I would like to be reassured that someone can fix. I haven't actually made a vampire in my game, worried about my townie population turning, but isn't the cheesy arm over the face a special kind of walk called "stalk"? Do they walk normally otherwise? Maybe someone can make a hack that makes it so that decision is user controlled only.

Title: Re: Ever wondered what a Vampire Zombie looks like?
Post by: Velax on 2005 September 23, 15:03:03
The cheesy animations though, that I would like to be reassured that someone can fix. I haven't actually made a vampire in my game, worried about my townie population turning, but isn't the cheesy arm over the face a special kind of walk called "stalk"? Do they walk normally otherwise? Maybe someone can make a hack that makes it so that decision is user controlled only.

"Stalk" is a specific command, yes. Vampires can "Stalk" to a place and "Fly" to a place, plus any other modes of movement they normally have (Skip, Run or whatever). I have noticed my vampire occasionally stalks when I tell her to just "Go here", but that may have just been me clicking on the wrong thing.

What annoys me a little about vampires is their avatars (the one down the bottom next to the Wants list, the icon on the left on the screen and the one that appears when you click to do an action). For some reason vamps' eyes on their avatars are narrowed by a certain degree from what they are on the actual character, and given my character has fairly small eyes as it is, this "certain degree" makes it looks like her eyes are squeezed shut, deforming her face somewhat.