More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: numaari on 2006 November 17, 05:04:53

Title: Everybody loves Lilith!
Post by: numaari on 2006 November 17, 05:04:53
I moved Lilith and Angela back in with their elderly mom Mary-Sue after they graduated from college.  Dustin and Dirk came with them.  Unfortunately, both Dirk AND Dustin seem to be crushing on Lilith.  Who is NOT a romance sim.  Angela is being totally ignored by her fiance, who is following Lil around like a puppy.

I thought it was just Angela's shitty attitude about her sister coming back to haunt her.  Karma, right?  But now I've noticed something disturbing.  When Lilith walks through a room, Dirk and Dustin's thought bubbles hold her face and cascade hearts.  But so does Ang and Lil's prepubescent brother (Mary-Sue's self-spawn kid)!  And now Angela's crushing on her twin sister!  Who she's furious with!

So Lilith appears with cascading hearts in the thought bubbles of
1. Dustin (her fiance)
2. Dirk (her ex-boyfriend, who she no longer has any bolts or hearts with)
3. Her child brother Bruno
4. Her twin sister Angela (who LOATHES her!)

I have no unawesome hacks except for ChristianLov's pet teleporter and pet behaviour modder.  My install is fresh since getting Pets.  But something is going on here...

Title: Re: Everybody loves Lilith!
Post by: gali on 2006 November 17, 06:02:14
I think it's a "handheld" bug, which causes schysophrenia. The handheld causes a crush on the sim you are playing with it, no matter if he is brother, sister, or close relative.
It began with Uni EP, and you have to use the "handheld.fix" hack. I forbid my sims to buy it, even if they roll that want - only cell phone and MP3.

Title: Re: Everybody loves Lilith!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 November 17, 10:20:30
This is a normal behavior. What happens is that the "I think so-and-so is hot" token passes along in conversations and gossips, and when sims think about that particular bit of gossip, it makes it look like they're heart-farting for someone that they actually aren't attracted to.

Title: Re: Everybody loves Lilith!
Post by: numaari on 2006 November 17, 12:17:57
Thanks for the info, Gali, but I'm even meaner than you.  My sims aren't allowed a handheld or an mp3 player, because it annoys me when they just stand there and amuse themselves.  I want them to amuse me by colliding haplessly with their environment.  :P

And thanks for confirming that this is normalesque, Pescado.  I was skeered that I was headed for a BFBVFS...

Title: Re: Everybody loves Lilith!
Post by: jrd on 2006 November 17, 13:01:40
Squidge has a mod which prevents these tokens from being created and passed:

Title: Re: Everybody loves Lilith!
Post by: ThyGuy on 2006 November 18, 07:08:08
My sims get a cellphone, but sometimes not even that because it drives me insane when they spend every living moment calling up their friends from the macrostat.

Title: Re: Everybody loves Lilith!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 November 18, 07:10:53
Well, it's either that, or losing them.