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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: buddha pest on 2006 November 16, 22:46:28

Title: Dina Caliente's personality points
Post by: buddha pest on 2006 November 16, 22:46:28
Would someone be so kind as to check/tell me what Dina's exact personality points are?

I killed her off with the intention of making her a zombie, but I forgot to make note of her personality before I killed her.

I don't want her to have a new, shitty zombie personality. I'm going to change it back.

Title: Re: Dina Caliente's personality points
Post by: gali on 2006 November 16, 23:08:31
sloppy - 1
shy - 8
lazy - 1
serious - 8
grouchy - 6

Title: Re: Dina Caliente's personality points
Post by: buddha pest on 2006 November 16, 23:14:31
Thank you much!

Title: Re: Dina Caliente's personality points
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 November 16, 23:19:45
That admittedly differs very little from the "shitty zombie personality" anyway.

Title: Re: Dina Caliente's personality points
Post by: buddha pest on 2006 November 17, 01:26:55
I knew you were gonna say that.

I LIKE lazy sims. I like their monkey stance.

In that Building Contest of Awesomeness, someone offered a bribe of a hack that lets all sims run regardless of activity points. Now that I have that, I can have all the monkey sims I want. Although as a zombie, Dina won't be able to run anyway.

The sloppiness however, is indeed still shitty.

Title: Re: Dina Caliente's personality points
Post by: Orikes on 2006 November 17, 03:34:54
The sloppiness however, is indeed still shitty.

I don't know... I find sloppy sims funny. I love when they accidentally set the stove on fire, then while the fireman is still there putting it out, wander over to the sink and start taking a sponge bath.

Title: Re: Dina Caliente's personality points
Post by: buddha pest on 2006 November 17, 06:39:48
I actually kinda like them too. I love how they eat.

This was hot:

Other than the shower puddles and book litter, it's not so bad. Actually, I have a hack to stop the book litter, and there's always the bathtubs.

I really like Dina. I've never played the Calientes before now.

Title: Re: Dina Caliente's personality points
Post by: Giggy on 2006 November 17, 07:05:09
 :o ohh shes preggers! and a zombie!

Title: Re: Dina Caliente's personality points
Post by: buddha pest on 2006 November 17, 07:16:58
She was pregnant when she died. It's Mortimer's baby, and he's a vampire because I don't want him dying ever.

I did, however, kill Alexander. Because he's just hideous.

Title: Re: Dina Caliente's personality points
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 November 17, 07:40:12
Aww, I find Alexander kinda grows on you.  :D

Title: Re: Dina Caliente's personality points
Post by: Giggy on 2006 November 17, 07:51:01
 :( poor him, I think Allex hit every ugly branch and smacked his face falling down the ugly tree!

Title: Re: Dina Caliente's personality points
Post by: buddha pest on 2006 November 17, 07:52:11
I really tried with him. I made him a knowlege sim, and he seemed nice enough. He sort of blended into the background with all the hubbub that always goes on when I play that house.

But I just...couldn't.

He's lucky. In this incarnation of Pleasantview, he made it to teen. Last time he never made it out of childhood. Between his short pants and his doll house, I just did not have the time.

Title: Re: Dina Caliente's personality points
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 November 17, 07:58:34
So you never actually saw him as an adult?  :o

Title: Re: Dina Caliente's personality points
Post by: buddha pest on 2006 November 17, 07:59:40
No. Does it get worse?

Title: Re: Dina Caliente's personality points
Post by: V on 2006 November 17, 08:34:51
I thought Alexander was a cute kid and not bad as a teenager. I made him a popularity sim because he was always pining for a friend as a child. He became fast friends with his half-brother (the very cool) Eric Broke. Eric, unfortunately, took all the girls that Alexander brought home from school, even though he seems clearly gay to me. (He has heart-filled dreams about the fireman who saved their family when he was a child. ;) )

After Mortimer married Brandi I didn't have the heart to have either one of them die of old age so I left them alone. Each has one day left and Brandi is one promotion away from achieving her LTW.

I have lots of copies of Pleasantview and they all have different outcomes.

Title: Re: Dina Caliente's personality points
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 November 17, 08:44:15
buddha pest:  At first I wasn't sure I liked Alex as an adult, but like I said, he grew on me.  Especially with a change of hairstyle and clothes.  But as for whether he looks better or worse, that is subjective.  :)

V...:  So do I.  ;)  After I heard about you pairing Mort and Brandi, I was inspired to try it myself, and so I have yet another copy of Pleasantview in my game.  :D

Title: Re: Dina Caliente's personality points
Post by: gali on 2006 November 17, 09:21:08
I used the Dr Vu surgery, fixed the hideous nose only, and Alex became very hansome sim.

Besides, I checked all his family tree, and none of them had this auful nose. It's all programmed by the new TS2 programmers of EA.

Title: Re: Dina Caliente's personality points
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 November 17, 12:59:39
In my Pleasantview, Alex is gay, solving the problem of passing along those fugly looks.  And he and his 'hubby' own the town bordello, so they're rich gays. :)  I'm probably going to have them adopt, just so the Goth name goes on in the hood, and so that fortune doesn't disappear.  Though I guess he could pass it on to his surviving brother and sister (Mortie and Dina's kids) or to his nieces (Cassie had all girls).

His brother is married to Stella, and they had twins (either a boy and girl, or two boys -- been a bit since I've played them), so at this point the only way the Goth name will survive another generation is in half-breed aliens. :)

Title: Re: Dina Caliente's personality points
Post by: buddha pest on 2006 November 17, 17:09:36
Dina's baby turned out to be a boy, so he can carry on the name if he wants.

Cassandra married Mary Sue Pleasant (three bolts). Mary Sue got new makeup and clothes and some elixir, and she's really cute now.  They adopted a little girl, who I already love, who also got the Goth name.

Cassandra is also a werewolf, so she's really funny now (I love how they haul ass with their weird walk). Normally, I do not like her any more than Alexander.

Title: Re: Dina Caliente's personality points
Post by: Batelle on 2006 November 17, 18:37:11
I used clones of Bella and Mortimer in CAS to make Cassandra and Alexander look like they could actually be their children, and then used the plastic surgery function in SimPe to make it permanant.  My Alex is still dweeby looking, but he's not blindingly hideous now.