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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Karen on 2006 November 15, 11:21:36

Title: Dogs with the wrong ears
Post by: Karen on 2006 November 15, 11:21:36
Now that the Pets-compatible SimPE is available, does anybody know if it is possible to fix the ears of dogs who grow up with the wrong type?  I have had pointy-eared dogs give birth to floppy-eared dogs (Sarah Crittur's pups did this) and I also have had two instances so far of floppy-eared dogs I made in CAP giving birth to pups who grew up to have pointy ears.  Change Appearance does not give you a way to modify the ear shape.  I was just wondering if there is a way to do this in SimPE (perhaps with Sim Surgery?)  If so, how?

I am getting pretty frustrated with this and I'm about at the point of deciding I don't want to breed dogs in my game anymore, since most of them end up with the wrong ears when they become adults.  If it's possible to fix it with SimPE, then I guess I can tolerate it until Maxis EA comes up with a patch.  Any advice would be appreciated.

Title: Re: Dogs with the wrong ears
Post by: Theo on 2006 November 15, 12:05:03
Seems you're not the only one:  ;),6177.msg176097.html (,6177.msg176097.html)

Regarding SimPe's surgery, the only thing I know is that the "Export" function does not work with pet characters. :(

But you can try to use an existing pet as the template (archetype), and see if surgery works. I would guess that only a full clone (without any checked options) will make the correct result.