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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: V on 2006 November 14, 20:07:19

Title: I cannot click on my sim from another sim
Post by: V on 2006 November 14, 20:07:19
It was very late and I was getting ready to close up the game when suddenly this npc/townie or whatever walked by Brandi Broke's house. I had never seen him before and he was very good-looking so I thought he might make a good companion for her. I killed her queue to get her outside to click on him to say hi, or something, but by the time she got there he was already in "I'm leaving" mode so I paused the game and spawned something or other to make him part of the family and then I closed up the lot and went to bed. (Not sure if I used the Family Tree or what. I just set him to live there, not to be a relative. It was late.)

The next day I went to play with my new Sim. I can play as his character and click on anything in the house and interact just fine. But I cannot have anyone choose to interact with him. The arrow goes black as if I were trying to click on a tree and I get the same message I would get if I tried to click on a tree - something about "no actions availabe". So I had him move out and get his own place. I thought perhaps he would reset if he were back out in the world. But he did not. I had him come visit Brandi via telephone invite, but he finally left because she could not welcome him.

I was waiting for the new SimPE to come out so I could look at him. I was hoping there would be a box that said he is not human or he is an object or something. Something that was simple to see and easy to fix. But I could not see anything obviously wrong with his character file. Then again I am not well-versed in SimPE other than the very basic basics.

His name is David Thompson and the last time I tried playing with him I was surpised to see him driving the school bus on that very lot when Beau & Dustin went off to school. He was standing on the porch, "all untouchable" and he was driving the school bus at the same time.   

I am really curious how I managed to do this and whether it can be fixed or not. The kids really like him and keep spinning wants to talk to him and play with him. Brandi seems to like him too.

Title: Re: I cannot click on my sim from another sim
Post by: jrd on 2006 November 14, 20:31:50
Wait a sec. This is one of the drivers? Those Sims were never intended to be moved in, like the exterminaters and social workers. They lack basic Sim functions and cannot be played.

You *could* fix it in SimPE but it is way too much work. You're better off cloning his appearance if you want him.

Title: Re: I cannot click on my sim from another sim
Post by: twojeffs on 2006 November 14, 20:37:27
Oops, you broke it. How a carpool/bus driver became a walkby is one mystery, but moving one in is not a good thing because they are not normal sims as you found out. Best to put him back to the NPC family in Simpe and erase all relationships to him.

Title: Re: I cannot click on my sim from another sim
Post by: miros on 2006 November 14, 21:43:07
Actually, couldn't you apply the fix for Mascots and get a functional Sim?  My driver Sims are never good looking tho...

Title: Re: I cannot click on my sim from another sim
Post by: jrd on 2006 November 14, 21:48:40
Mascots at least function somewhat as Sims. Drivers can't function as Sims at all.

You'd have to rip out their entire code and replace it, so it's far easier to use simsurgery to get their looks/genes on a working Sim instead.

Title: Re: I cannot click on my sim from another sim
Post by: gali on 2006 November 14, 22:46:54
Funny, I was inviting sims for the age transition of one of my kids (I stopped to throw parties).

I called one of her borthers in the college, and he asked if he can bring a friend. Obviously, I admitted, and the brother brought...David Thompson, the car driver!

During the 2 years of play, it was the first time I encounterred this event. I made him fast a friend of all the family, and from then on he was invited to all family celebratings. Slowly, I made him friend with all my playable sims. 

Title: Re: I cannot click on my sim from another sim
Post by: V on 2006 November 14, 22:53:19
Wow. I am really glad to hear that he did a walk-by in someone else's game. I wish I could have dragged him in slowly, but he was leaving and I was afraid I would lose him forever. Since I had never seen him before, I didn't know if I would ever see him again. That was why I took the drastic action. (Well, that and it was really late so my judgment was not at its sharpest.)

I am glad to know that you were able to get him in a little at a time. I am so sorry that I am going to have to lose him at this point. Maybe I can get him on another lot in a different neighborhood.

Title: Re: I cannot click on my sim from another sim
Post by: miros on 2006 November 14, 23:02:04
Well, you can always use him as a donor for SimSurgery and make someone that looks like him, since you liked his looks...

Title: Re: I cannot click on my sim from another sim
Post by: kutto on 2006 November 15, 01:37:29
I often get drivers as walk-bys after expansions and resets. I can't interact with them, either. Glad to know that I shouldn't.

Title: Re: I cannot click on my sim from another sim
Post by: NothingToSee on 2006 November 15, 09:05:11
I had one come "with a friend" once... My sims could interact with him autonomously, but I couldn't make them interact with him.

Not that it was a great loss cos he was fugly. :P

Atom XX

Title: Re: I cannot click on my sim from another sim
Post by: jrd on 2006 November 15, 09:21:49
I have seen a driver walk by on an NL comm lot before, but since they're easily recognisable (they all wear the brown jumpsuit) I know to keep clear of them.