More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: twink on 2006 November 14, 16:58:28

Title: SimPe has arrived..
Post by: twink on 2006 November 14, 16:58:28
I have been checking the site twice a day and it is finally here....

Good Simming,
Twink ;D

Title: Re: SimPe has arrived..
Post by: Twain on 2006 November 14, 17:24:07
Did it go on a trip or something?

Seriously though..thank you.

Title: Re: SimPe has arrived..
Post by: Mizz Rose Bud on 2006 November 14, 17:52:59
Thank God ... any god  ;)

Did it go on a trip or something


Title: Re: SimPe has arrived..
Post by: Ness on 2006 November 14, 19:49:06


Title: Re: SimPe has arrived..
Post by: miros on 2006 November 14, 21:45:34
<does the happy dance>
<pounds the sheep button>

Title: Re: SimPe has arrived..
Post by: ChibyMethos on 2006 November 14, 21:48:19
Oh, thank God!! and everyone else that worked on this. I actually missed it. :'( ;D

Title: Re: SimPe has arrived..
Post by: Giggy on 2006 November 15, 02:49:53
 ??? Where is it?

Title: Re: SimPe has arrived..
Post by: moonluck on 2006 November 15, 03:31:41
Yeah! This means the new kitten killer will be released soon!

Title: Re: SimPe has arrived..
Post by: vilia on 2006 November 15, 04:35:28
I've been playing around with the new SimPe and the filter ability for relationships is great. 

Does anyone know/or been able to find if pet skills can be added? I tried badges, skills and the career section with no joy.