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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: letitia on 2006 November 14, 12:44:27

Title: How do you make puppies for your pets???
Post by: letitia on 2006 November 14, 12:44:27
I already searched and I didn't find the answer in the forum...some said that you need to have good relationship with your pets. I did have a good relationship (100 - 100 and I am the master of the pets), and both dogs have 100-100 relationship with each other, one is female, one is male. both are small and same type of dogs. but the option to make puppies or something like that doesn't exist. help me please?

Title: Re: How do you make puppies for your pets???
Post by: Tina G on 2006 November 14, 13:09:14
Make sure you have a pet house on the lot. The pet beds don't work for breeding.

Title: Re: How do you make puppies for your pets???
Post by: Karen on 2006 November 14, 13:21:54
Also make sure you have enough room in the household for puppies.  If there are too many Sims living there already, you might not get the option even though all other conditions are met.

Title: Re: How do you make puppies for your pets???
Post by: anniepie on 2006 November 14, 13:47:49
also make sure that your pets are not related.  If they are siblings then they can't reproduce.

Title: Re: How do you make puppies for your pets???
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2006 November 14, 14:08:00
Check to make certain you have a male and female.

Title: Re: How do you make puppies for your pets???
Post by: letitia on 2006 November 14, 14:10:54
so there isn't a pie menu to choose make puppies? you just need to buy pet house? 1 pethouse for 2 pets? can they do that?

they are both female and male, not siblings

Title: Re: How do you make puppies for your pets???
Post by: Katze on 2006 November 14, 14:23:37
Yes 1 pet house is enough they need it for the woohoo not to sleep in, only one pet can sleep in it.

Title: Re: How do you make puppies for your pets???
Post by: Karen on 2006 November 14, 14:40:15
so there isn't a pie menu to choose make puppies? you just need to buy pet house? 1 pethouse for 2 pets? can they do that?

You need a pet house so that the pets have somewhere to woohoo in private  ;)

Try the following:  Put a pet house on your lot.  Make sure the openings are not blocked, so the dogs can get into it without any problem.  Have an adult, teen, or elder Sim click on one of your dogs.  The option "Try for Puppy With <other dog's name>" should appear.  If it doesn't appear, then something is wrong and you need to check the other criteria mentioned in this thread.

Title: Re: How do you make puppies for your pets???
Post by: letitia on 2006 November 14, 14:46:14
thanks for the info, the option appear when I buy the pet house and 1 dog is relaxing in it :D

once again thanks a lot ^_^

Title: Re: How do you make puppies for your pets???
Post by: Tina G on 2006 November 14, 20:31:32
Glad it's working for you! :)