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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Strangel on 2006 November 14, 08:04:38

Title: Disembodied LOTP Eyes.. O.O Seriously.. Help?
Post by: Strangel on 2006 November 14, 08:04:38
Aright.. so I was playing in a new house in my legacy 'hood, downtown area. A knowledge sim pulls up a want to "see" (should be HEAR) a wolf, and immediately after that, a want to turn furry. I scroll out a bit, and see... this.


It lopes around the yard like a ghostdog, chewing on the squeak bone and it got in a fight with her dog, but there's no way to select it for "shoo" or anything else. There isn't even anything to shift-click..
Apparently, his name is Baron, and he's a non-black wolf. His picture (had to check the dog's relationship panel after he lost the fight) looks like a greyish wolf. So far, he's shown up twice.

I'm wondering.. does this have anything to do with my sims once again pulling up the "static" complaints.. where they moan about someone being in their way, but all that shows up in the bubble is jaggy lines.

As usual, this is my first stop to find an answer and yup I searched first.

Title: Re: Disembodied LOTP Eyes.. O.O
Post by: miros on 2006 November 14, 14:03:42
When my game does disembodied eyes, usually accompanied by Sims or objects exploding into flying triangles, it means it needs a quit-and-restart. 

I think I might actually have too much stuff in my game.  It would be nice if there were a utility that would keep track of what's actually used and swap the unused stuff in and out of the game on a daily basis.

Title: Re: Disembodied LOTP Eyes.. O.O Seriously.. Help?
Post by: Strangel on 2006 December 27, 22:42:29
I've been playing other lots since, in fact another neighborhood as well, and he's still the only LOTP that shows up for me as just eyes.

Title: Re: Disembodied LOTP Eyes.. O.O Seriously.. Help?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 27, 22:46:06
Cool. Disembodied glowing eyes. I want a Cheshire cat, too!

Title: Re: Disembodied LOTP Eyes.. O.O Seriously.. Help?
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 December 27, 23:39:46
Me too!

Title: Re: Disembodied LOTP Eyes.. O.O Seriously.. Help?
Post by: Strangel on 2006 December 28, 00:15:12
-mutters- Fine, I'll just download the Werewolf potion. Sucks though, that it happened in my legacy town. No one can turn wolf because no one can interact with the LOTP!

Title: Re: Disembodied LOTP Eyes.. O.O Seriously.. Help?
Post by: Insanity Prelude on 2006 December 28, 17:52:48
Gotta admit, that does *look* cool. XD Wish I could help with fixing it, but I don't even have Pets installed right now.

Title: Re: Disembodied LOTP Eyes.. O.O Seriously.. Help?
Post by: Venusy on 2006 December 28, 18:06:06
You don't need the Werewolf potion if you have the Lot Debugger. Just click Make Me.../Werewolf.

Title: Re: Disembodied LOTP Eyes.. O.O Seriously.. Help?
Post by: Strangel on 2006 December 28, 21:25:53
Moot point as far as my legacies go, unfortunately.. lol