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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: verdaeni on 2006 November 13, 05:53:16

Title: lost my hacks....
Post by: verdaeni on 2006 November 13, 05:53:16
im trying to regear after pets upgrade..  i had a working hack that allowed anyone to spongebath,  but i havent figured out who in my many folders of hacks did it.  i found a new one my msb069, but its not working.  problem its the only one that shows up searching mts2.

which version of insiminator lets me spawn it anywhere? i thout it was dest but its not...

has anyone noticed any problems with inge's old stuff or merolas?

so when is pescado going to write us a 'bring more customers' hack? hint hint?

oh joy, finally i can get bodyshop to work on my 89152g dumbass intel video chip!

my oxygen compresser is malfunctioning again...    its so annoying i cant download a new one.

Title: Re: lost my hacks....
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 November 13, 06:00:21
InSIM - you can spawn all the sectionals and the machine with both the DEST and SIM versions. 

Title: Re: lost my hacks....
Post by: verdaeni on 2006 November 13, 06:05:10
a hah, it IS dest.  i had somehow put in the obj instead which obviously only gives me the objects.  i only THOUGHT i had dest loaded.

stupid mistake.  iis that oxygen compressor ready to be turned back on again?

Title: Re: lost my hacks....
Post by: ThyGuy on 2006 November 13, 07:00:13
Inge has a hack that allows spongbathing at anytime. I'm not sure if it's pets compatible though.

Title: Re: lost my hacks....
Post by: verdaeni on 2006 November 13, 07:58:39
YES!  i found it.  i'll know in a minute if it works.

Title: Re: lost my hacks....
Post by: redmachine on 2006 November 13, 08:20:30
FYI: I've been using Inge's Spongebath_patch with Pets and I've not had any problems.

Title: Re: lost my hacks....
Post by: verdaeni on 2006 November 13, 08:34:40
thanks, i just got it to work!  i havent tested everything yet, but my favorite change clothes vase works too.   i dont need any special doors with it.  i just have one in the hallway of every level set to normal, and people change out of jammies on the way downstairs, change out of workclothes coming in, out of bathing suits, major deal.  i sure hope the security tokens and the special cribs still work.  the only reason i use the tokens instead of reservable beds is that it seems im always wanting to use a recolor not picked up by the beds.  i love my toddlers able to get out of the crib, and then i leave her bottomless bottle on the floor for them.

if only we had a hack that dresses the kids out of the crib or the bath.  im so sorry inje quit modding.

Title: Re: lost my hacks....
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 November 13, 13:44:57
For more customers, try the customer limit adjustor at SimWardrobe. It does a lot for my sim business.

Title: Re: lost my hacks....
Post by: miros on 2006 November 13, 14:28:55
I've found that the Sim's friends come to the shop first, then more people wander in.  One Sim had two customers the first day, but they bought lots of stuff!

Title: Re: lost my hacks....
Post by: Ambular on 2006 November 13, 15:00:42
Inge's spongebathing hack stopped working for me with Pets, generating lots of "jumps" and errors.  Now I wonder if maybe it wasn't a hack conflict though...

Title: Re: lost my hacks....
Post by: verdaeni on 2006 November 13, 23:18:48
it must be a hack conflict.  its working perfectly for me.

Title: Re: lost my hacks....
Post by: verdaeni on 2006 November 13, 23:19:42
For more customers, try the customer limit adjustor at SimWardrobe. It does a lot for my sim business.

thanks much, i'll try that!

Title: Re: lost my hacks....
Post by: Kyna on 2006 November 15, 01:28:13
About the changing toddlers into everyday wear problem.

I got around that by using a mod that Motoki made, that enables toddler sleepwear for daywear and vice versa.  When my babies age into toddlers I use Pescado's clothing tool to set their sleepwear the same as their daywear.

Motoki's mod should be in Peasantry somewhere.  It's a few EPs old, though, and so obviously doesn't include toddler clothes from later EPs or SPs.