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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: JadeDruid on 2006 November 10, 05:59:30

Title: Recliner Obession?
Post by: JadeDruid on 2006 November 10, 05:59:30
Ok, I have this family with the two parents both being fourtune sims. They seem to have a wee bit of a recliner/loungechair addiction, or OBSESSION!!! So far I've bought them about 50 recliners and loungechairs.

If it wasn't for personal invetory, their house would look like a La-Z-Boy factory!

Is there a hack avaiable for this ridiclous obession?

Title: Re: Recliner Obession?
Post by: Tamha on 2006 November 10, 07:29:10
Stop buying new ones and pull out one from their inventory. It won't satisfy the want, but it will make it go away.

Title: Re: Recliner Obession?
Post by: gali on 2006 November 10, 11:05:55
You don't have to buy so many recliners. Buy two, and when the wish pops up - sell the old, and buy new ones.
Same for statues and trees/bushes/flowers - new replaces the old. They are very happy with that too.

Title: Re: Recliner Obession?
Post by: notveryawesome on 2006 November 10, 12:23:45
Or you can ignore their wants, and they eventually roll new ones.

Title: Re: Recliner Obession?
Post by: numaari on 2006 November 10, 15:10:44
You can also buy them any dang thing they want, even the stupid ungainly bowling alley, stash it in their inventory, then pause the game, stick it on the lawn or something, and sell it from the buy screen WITHOUT unpausing the game. 

They never miss it - at least they don't in my game.   ;)  And you get the money back so that you can buy them the next highly expensive, highly impractical thing they want...

Title: Re: Recliner Obession?
Post by: miros on 2006 November 10, 17:13:09
I made a family in CAS with a Fortune Sim brother and a Family Sim sister.  Stuck them on an empty lot and bought them almost everything their little hearts desired.  Silly things never wanted a bed or fridge, so I didn't buy them any.  When they got tired and hungry, I checked and they had gold aspiration and enough aspiration points to get the Energizer machine.  So I had them just use the energizer and build skills all night.  The brother never did get his LTW, but after he retired, he just painted masterpiece after masterpiece and died happy...