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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: croiduire on 2006 November 09, 14:27:42

Title: Changing floor prices in SimPe
Post by: croiduire on 2006 November 09, 14:27:42
I recently downloaded a bunch of floors that I quite like, that are--regrettably--all priced at 0. I was referencing the thread from last June where Pioupiou give instructions on how to change prices in SimPe, and I'm a bit confused (yes, I what else is new--new aspiration category: permalost)

To start, I open them and some open with the PJSE: Text Resource Editor and others with the Text Resource Editor with very different displays...why is this happening and does this make an operational difference?

Anyway, here's a representative file (Text Resource Editor version):

0x0 - pavement (10)
0x1 -
0x2 - 0

If I understand the instructions correctly, I am supposed to change 0x2 - 0 to 0x2 - desired price. Is that all I need to do? I'm curious because under

Object XML: pavement (10) CPF Editor there's a line that says cost (dtUInteger) = 0x00000000, one labeled crapscore (dtSingle) = 0 and one called nicenessmultiplier (dtSingle) = 1. Do any of these values need to be changed too?

In PJSE: Text Resource Editor the data is presented in a table, but here is an example from there:

0x0000   pavement (9)
0x0002    0

Am I safe in assuming that 0x0002 is the same as 0x2?

Finally, is there any way to sort using 0 price as the search parameter and batch process them?

Thanks, everyone.

Title: Re: Changing floor prices in SimPe
Post by: jrd on 2006 November 09, 15:30:23
0x0002 = 0x02.
Can't help you further, I use the WTF editor to manage floors and walls.

Title: Re: Changing floor prices in SimPe
Post by: croiduire on 2006 November 09, 15:59:06
Jordi, thank you so much! I didn't know the WTF editor let you change prices! That's even easy enough for me to use! ^_^

Title: Re: Changing floor prices in SimPe
Post by: cwykes on 2006 November 10, 12:50:50
Is the environment score linked directly to price in some way?  I didn't think it was, but I'd love to be wrong.    If you increase the price does the environment score go up?  This nice program which I have just downloaded (Baaa!) lets you change price, but I don't see anything about environment score.

Title: Re: Changing floor prices in SimPe
Post by: eamethyst on 2006 November 10, 19:15:45
It is my understanding that the environment scores of both walls and floors are set by the price.  Which is why even lovely custom walls and floors that are free or cheap, tank a rooms environment score.

Please correct me if I am mistaken.

Title: Re: Changing floor prices in SimPe
Post by: cwykes on 2006 November 10, 20:19:18
Yeah - I've been deleting pretty much all the $1 and $2 wallpapers and floors I've downloaded assuming they aren't going to do much for the environment room score.  With this program though we can fix the price easily, so IF price does determine the environment score we are home free!