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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Urmel on 2006 November 08, 14:14:05

Title: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: Urmel on 2006 November 08, 14:14:05
Hi all,

can you help me find out if the above mentioned subject is a bug or if I'm only too stupid to sell my pets.

I've played around several hours with Mr. ... well, I forgot the name of the Sim *shame* but the one who you can find in the family bin with the small dog Porthos.
He is a animal welfare activist ;), adopts all stray dogs give them a good education and then he sells them away in new better homes. He can't go to work, because 6 dogs at once with more ore less (mostly less) good behavior hold him busy all the time :), so he needs the money badly which he earns from the dog sales.
Well... at least 3000 Simoleons could he earn (it's shown during the sales process on the screen ) for a well trained dog, but the money wasn't added to the family fund.

What's wrong here? Another bug or just my fault?

Thanks for your help :)

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: Urmel on 2006 November 09, 10:34:03
Over 100 views and no answer?

Am I the only one who has this problem? Was my description mistakable or was my english so bad? *sniff*

Has anybody sold a Pet to a neighbour with the "Sales..."-Option without any Hacks (like me) and with or without having a Home Business (I've tried both)? And if yes, has anyone earned the prize which is displayed during the sales process, I mean was it added to the family funds?

It's really annoying for me and the only "bug" I have :(

Sorry for pushing this thread up

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: miros on 2006 November 09, 11:00:59
Have you tried selling one to a townie?

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: Havelock on 2006 November 09, 11:05:31
It is not easy to find somone without hacks in game here. You know its a hack related site. Me thinks no one has sold a pet yet, or payed no attention to the funds. It could be a bug. Are you getting the kaching sound and the little +3000 Simoleans floating over the screen after selling the dog ?

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: miros on 2006 November 09, 11:07:00
He said
And if yes, has anyone earned the prize which is displayed during the sales process
so I assume he has the floating Simoleans.  They just don't get added.

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: cwykes on 2006 November 09, 13:06:36
I had a quick look on the Sims2 board and I can't see zillions of people howling that sellling pets is broken.  Surely they would have noticed a bug this big by now?  I don't have Pets so I haven't paid too much attention to hack conflicts with pets but the Inteen and InSim are causing lots of odd bugs.   Binary search on the downloads folder is the only suggestion I have....

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: Urmel on 2006 November 09, 16:06:35
Thank you all :)

*cough* I'm a "she" ;)

What I can swear is, that I've played really hackfree, because my downloads are well sorted in different subdirectories. I've crosschecked it with clean installer as well.
I have a lot of hacks, but I know that I have to remove them with every new expansion until new versions are available.

Yes i can hear/see the kaching sound and the floating numbers. That's why I know how many money I've lost, becaus it was not added :(.

Have you found at least one? I found some in the German Simforum, but I cannot say if they have played without any hacks.

If these is a bug, may I request a bugfix now? Please? :) :)


Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: miros on 2006 November 09, 16:30:19
Sorry!  Your screen name looked masculine to me...

I do have a dog I can test with... Adoption Services took him away from one family, so another family adopted him.  I was going to give him back, but for testing purposes, I'll try selling him back and see if the money changes.

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: Urmel on 2006 November 09, 16:45:48

Never mind ;) Urmel is (in Germany) a famous little dinosaur which was found in an egg and hatched by a professor who teach animals to talk :) It's a fairy tale written by Michael Ende (The Neverending Story) and it was my favorite as I was a child. I guess Urmel is male... but I think nobody knows it for sure ;).

I forgot to answer your first question: I've never tried to sell a dog to an NPC. I don't want to, they become stray dogs then. That's what I've read about.

I found several posts of people who are talking about pet sales in shops and a lot of them said, that they earn a lot of money for their dogs when they use the "Sale..." option. Well... now I'm really not sure anymore if one hack was hidden in some subdirectory.... *sigh*.

I should test it and remove all downloads (even the objects and clothing etc.).

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: KatEnigma on 2006 November 09, 17:25:52
I've sold 4 pets, and I appeared to have gotten the money. And that's with all my hacks back in the game.

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: cwykes on 2006 November 10, 09:22:25
I should test it and remove all downloads (even the objects and clothing etc.).
Yeah I think so, take them all out and test it in a hood you don't normally play like strangetown if you don't want to risk playing your normal hood with no downloads.  Pescado says binary search is most efficient for testing.  At least it will load faster without the downloads...  You can't really call it a bug for sure without doing that.

Just out of interest, do you have the full set of EPs?

thank you for the story - I like it!

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: jefrir on 2006 November 10, 10:51:34
Some people on MTS2 were getting the same problem, don't know if they had hacks or not though.

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: Urmel on 2006 November 10, 15:02:06
Sorry for now, I hadn't time to try out the "bug" without all downloads.
I plan this for tomorrow, it saturday and my first vacation day (only one week :'().

I'll keep you informed :)

I've all EPs except the Accessory Packs Xmas, FFS and GS or something. Only the full EPs and installed in the order of release.


Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2006 November 10, 15:35:04
Darn...there was something about selling pets in the Prima Guide - but it's at home and I'm at work.  Will check tonight and see if it relates to your issue.

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2006 November 11, 00:55:14
Okay, Urmel, I've got the guide in front of me now.  It says:  "To sell a pet, click on the other Sim, use the Sales..Pet...interaction, and select the pet to be sold.  If the relationship between the Sims and between the buyer and the pet are high enough, and the buyer has enough money to afford the pet's value, the transfer takes place immediately."

The guide also claims that "Pets obtained for free (from Create a Family, merged into the household, or bonded strays) can be sold at 100 percent profit.  Selling purchased pets, on the other hand, is profiable only if your Sims has trained them beyond their purchased state.." blah, blah, blah.

The base price is $399 for an untrained pet.  Supposedly every reinforced behavior can add up to $350 for a dog and $390 for a cat and each command learned can increase the value by up to $400 for a dog and $460 for a cat.

Given your pets were well trained, the sale $$ should have been added to your family funds.   Did you get nothing or an amount less than $3,000 Simoleans?

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: miros on 2006 November 11, 00:59:39
Urmel said that graphic of the correct value in Simoleans floats away from the dog, but the money is not added to household funds, not a simolean...

No, I haven't been able to sell the dog back yet.  Darn antisocial family.  I think they know JMP.

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: miros on 2006 November 11, 20:16:21
Ok, I have a lack of progress report... I have a ton of hacks, btw...

The dog in the following scenario was taken away by animal control and adopted by another family.

1) Sim in the family that owns the dog now invites a Sim from the previous owning family over.
2) Sim1 offers to sell the dog to Sim2.
3) They walk up the stairs to where the dog is sleeping or hanging out.
4) The +2000 floats above Sim1 and -2000 floats above Sim2
5) The family's money remains the same.

Since both families are controllable, I'll just use the money order to transfer the money.  It's not fair to the other family for them to have paid to adopt a dog to give back to the original owners.

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: Urmel on 2006 November 12, 08:27:50
Thanks Ziggy and miros for your help,

I've just tried to sell a cat (from the Kat-Family in the family bin of my test-neighbourhood) to a townie without any downloads, and... what shall I say? It works :(.
I got the money... *sigh*

Next I searched all my downloads (again) with the Clean Installer... but I did only find one, which was not be marked in red, the Date Counter from somebody from MTS2.
I removed it and I just removed all hacks and all object downloads and will try it again with Cyd Roseland (the animal activist ;)).

My problem is a a hack- or bad download-problem... that is quite sure for now :(.
Hopefully it was the Date Counter. I'll keep you informed.


Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: Urmel on 2006 November 12, 10:26:25
Ok... that was not what I've expected...

Could it be related to the Neighbourhood?

I removed all downloads... really complete all I swear. The complete downloadfolder was moved two directories up. The game creates a new, empty one (this is new with Pets I guess).
And it did not work in Pleasantville  ???. Cyd Roseland did not get a cent for his dogs, the amount is displayed, the kaching sound apprears, that's it. If I use a new Cyd Roseland which was created in the Bin for e. g. Veronaville, than the money was added to the family fund as it should be.

Now I'm completely confused. It's something with my Pleasantville... and I can't give it up, no way! So many "old" Sim Families, several Generations...
What can I do?

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: Roux on 2006 November 12, 12:21:23
It might not be Pleasantview... it could be a problem with the lot, or with the family. I'd try moving him out of the lot, bulldozing it, and moving him into another lot. If it's still not working, I'd try to have another family in the neighborhood sell a pet and see what happens.

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: miros on 2006 November 12, 14:47:28
But it happened to me too!  I think it's an underlying bug, and I'd just use the Money Order to send Cyd the money after the transaction.

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: Urmel on 2006 November 12, 17:17:14

I've tried it with several families in Pleasantview. It's not related to the house :(.

Don't know what to do next :(

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: twojeffs on 2006 November 12, 20:23:25
Test this out and let me know if it fixes it. Also make sure that the sim you are trying to sell to actually has the money to pay for the pet.

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: Tina G on 2006 November 12, 20:30:26
I  believe it's a game bug. I sold two pets, saw the price float above the sim's head, but the household funds didn't change.   ::)  I was paying close attention because of seeing this thread earlier too. Think I'll be trying out your fix also, TJ...

Edit...  TJ's fix did not fix it for me. It's still broken. 

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: Urmel on 2006 November 15, 12:52:16
Sorry for not answering so long :)

The fix doesn't work for me either :(

If you have more ideas, I'm happy to be your guinea pig :).

All my families have tons of simoleons ;), except the poor Cyd Roseland *sigh*. I help myself with the kaching cheat. With every dog he sell he will receive the thousands with several kachings :)

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: miros on 2006 November 15, 16:01:25
Instead of Kaching, use the money order so the other family is actually "spending" the money to get the pet.

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 November 17, 19:47:29
Any updates on this? I just experienced this too in my game. I just kachinged my sim the money, but it'd be better if it were fixed.

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: Urmel on 2006 November 24, 13:02:04
Nothing new here? :( :(

I'll do everything for a fix, but I don't know how I can help.

I know, that definitely my "old" neighbourhood is affected, Pleasantview with tons of character- and lotfiles and which is growing daily since December 2004. It has nothing to do with any kind of download, because when I remove the downloadfolder, I don't earn the money in Pleasantview as well. Only when I choose a Testneighbourhood or Strangetown or Veronaville, than it works with (for example Cyd Roseland and Porthos).

I can spend all necessary neighbourhood files for an analysis, if you want to.

In order to use the money order I had to do 2 things:
First to check quickly the floating amount... and I was mostly to slow with my eyes (or even with my brain) ;)
Second, load the buyers family only for a few thousand bucks...'s easier for me to use the good old kaching :) :)


Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: Sagana on 2006 November 25, 13:36:03
Use family funds instead. Add the money and then next time you're on the neighborhood screen, take it away from the other family.

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: jefrir on 2006 November 27, 14:45:03
What happens if you use the family funds cheat and have more than one family of the same name? I have at least three Johnson families, for example, and four Prendergasts. I'm not particularly bothered, as I have hacks that work better, I just wondered how the game coped with it.

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: jrd on 2006 November 27, 14:52:56
In my game it always goes to the first family with that name (the one with the lowest Family ID).

I almost always rename my households with SimPE though, so I don't tend to run into this problem much.

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 November 27, 19:21:11
I almost always rename my households with SimPE though, so I don't tend to run into this problem much.

I know how to change a particular sim's names in SimPE, but how do you change a household name?  I've a few that are still named after the original occupants long after the real last name of the residents has changed through marriage and the like.  Dorms in particular end up with no-longer-relevant household names rather quickly.

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: miros on 2006 November 27, 19:45:43
Just go in through the Neighborhood Manager and give them more reasonable names.  Dorms can be changed to the name of the dorm rather than any particular resident.

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: jrd on 2006 November 28, 07:42:04
Open a Sim, then under Other select his or her Family. Change the family name to the new household name.

I also like to name the townie/dormie pool "Townies", the downtownies' "Downtownies", and the pool of the police, clerks etc. "Service NPCs". Helps when teleporting.

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: Urmel on 2006 November 28, 10:14:16
Hi all,

sorry for disturbing you, but the thread seems to be on a way to offtopic now.

It doesn't help me (and all others who have this sell-pet-no-money-thing) when we discuss the different ways to add and remove money from family funds with or without hacks, cheats and whatever...

Could we please go back to the subject? What else can I do to request a Fix for this? It happens with "old" and "used" neighbourhouds I guess. It has nothing to do with any download or hack (I repeat it to much I know).

Shall I write a request for this in a different subforum?

Greetz from Germany

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 November 28, 10:35:18
I do not have any information on this at this time. It is being investigated.

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 November 28, 16:36:44
Hi all,

sorry for disturbing you, but the thread seems to be on a way to off topic now.

It doesn't help me (and all others who have this sell-pet-no-money-thing) when we discuss the different ways to add and remove money from family funds with or without hacks, cheats and whatever...

It's not uncommon for threads here to come up with temporary solutions while the folks who write the mods look into a more permanent one  -- that's called 'helping'. If you don't see the temporary solutions as valuable, that's your privilege, but I highly doubt that you can speak for others who have the problem and welcome a work-around in the meantime.  It usually takes time for even the most awesome one to find the cause of the problem and maybe a solution.  Have patience....

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: Urmel on 2006 November 29, 15:56:12
It's not uncommon for threads here to come up with temporary solutions while the folks who write the mods look into a more permanent one  -- that's called 'helping'. If you don't see the temporary solutions as valuable, that's your privilege, but I highly doubt that you can speak for others who have the problem and welcome a work-around in the meantime.  It usually takes time for even the most awesome one to find the cause of the problem and maybe a solution.  Have patience....

Sorry jsalemi,
I know that everybody only wants to help, but getting offtopic and discuss about cheats doesn't help for the subject. I'm patient, but I know forums and long threads... at the end nobody nows the original subject.
Sorry again for being so... well stubborn, but offtopic posts are not always welcome.
If this is apreciated in this forum, I can accept it and live with it.

Anyway... my post is just offtopic as well :).

@J.M. Pescado
Please let me know if I can help you with your investigation.


Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 November 30, 16:51:07
Sorry again for being so... well stubborn, but offtopic posts are not always welcome.
If this is apreciated in this forum, I can accept it and live with it.

Well, just look around -- this place is a lot more informal and freeform than pretty much any other TS2 forum out there.  That's why we like it so much. :) Off-topic posts are pretty much the rule, not the exception.  And franky, offering cheats and work-arounds isn't off-topic -- they're temporary solutions to the problem until a permanent solution is found.  Don't think you can get much more on-topic than that.

The bottom line is, if you want to solve your problem now, then use one of the suggestions here (I'd go with the money order, or Monique's computers). If you don't play with any cheats at all, then you're in the wrong place. :)

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: Urmel on 2006 December 01, 17:30:45
The bottom line is, if you want to solve your problem now, then use one of the suggestions here (I'd go with the money order, or Monique's computers). If you don't play with any cheats at all, then you're in the wrong place. :)

Just my last words to this "offtopic"-conflict (;))... If you've really read all my post you would know that I
1st am familiar with cheatcodes and how to use it
2nd have already found a workaround for me with the kaching cheat (which explains again the 1st)

I just refer to your sentences above, don't even think about that you should call my attention to all the other poor Sim2 users who don't know how to use cheats ;). I just want to tell you, that I (Me, the Urmel, the girl from Germany) has everything but a fix for this issue.

ooooxxxxx :D

Title: Re: When I sell a Pet I don't earn the money...
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 December 01, 17:36:35
Whatever.  It's just polite to know the etiquette of a particular forum before you start lecturing people on how your questions should be answered, and take advice from folks who have been on the forum a LOT longer.  You'll get further in life that way.