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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: nothingbutsims on 2005 September 18, 23:47:33

Title: Question about vampires
Post by: nothingbutsims on 2005 September 18, 23:47:33
My female Sim got a little too friendly with Count so-and-so and well . . . the inevitable . . . he bit her (which was what I had hoped would happen cause I wanted to experience this).  Now, all of her stats are always in the green, she never needs to eat or use the bathroom or sleep or anything.  Is this normal for a vampire?  She's actually very boring to play.

Title: Re: Question about vampires
Post by: Xav on 2005 September 18, 23:49:36
Only in the night. It goes down faster than a normal sim in the day and even faster if the vampire goes outside. You have to let the vampire sleep in the coffin when the sun comes up.

Title: Re: Question about vampires
Post by: LK on 2005 September 19, 01:34:43
...And the coffin freezes motives, too.  I like it myself, actually.  Very low-maintenance.

Title: Re: Question about vampires
Post by: Trubble on 2005 September 19, 09:16:43
Just don't let a sim take a peek with a low bladder ;)

Title: Re: Question about vampires
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 September 19, 09:23:45
I'm sure this'll prove strangely convenient in E-Mail once the Nightlife-related rules get added in. :P

Title: Re: Question about vampires
Post by: nothingbutsims on 2005 September 19, 09:31:06
I see - so another Sim can actually lift the coffin lid while the vamp is sleeping and literally get the pee scared out of him?!  I haven't tried that yet.

Title: Re: Question about vampires
Post by: Trubble on 2005 September 19, 09:32:39
Yep they can, they can also dare someone else to peek.

Actually vampires "bleh"ing at low bladdered sims can cause accidents also. ;) Doesn't work vampire to vampire, obviously.

Title: Re: Question about vampires
Post by: VJay on 2005 September 19, 10:50:21
She's actually very boring to play.

Very true indeed but very useful to study and max out skills.  ;D

Title: Re: Question about vampires
Post by: Trubble on 2005 September 19, 14:52:24
Not that boring really, I set myself a challenge and vamped the entire of Pleasantview, or as much of it as I could. I was amused. However I can see how extended play with a vampire could be boring :)

Title: Re: Question about vampires
Post by: Dbnguy on 2007 July 10, 08:07:24
SORRY to bring up an OLD thread, but rather than atart a new one, this thread seemed appropriate :-)

I have read a few threads about vampires on this site, but still am unable to become one.

when I do go out I have found a vampire and tried to caht him or her up in the hopes of getting bitten, but either the sun comes up and she dissappears or I just dont have enough time.

Any ideas on what I need to do in order to be "attractive" to a vampire ????

already have a whole house designed  but no vampire to live in it :-)

Thanks Guys

Title: Re: Question about vampires
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 July 10, 08:14:56
Step 1 is just to make contact. Once you have contact, you can call up and invite over as usual. Alternatively, hunt in a group and simply "influence to bite". Simple.

Title: Re: Question about vampires
Post by: Zazazu on 2007 July 10, 17:12:04
Just call during the night, or else they get pissy about you bothering them while the rays of death are still on.

Title: Re: Question about vampires
Post by: Magicmoon on 2007 July 10, 17:14:03
I've heard that vampires don't die of old age, so do they age at all? Will a Sim vamped as a teen remain a teen, or keep aging normally but not actually die of old age? Do vamps turn elder at all? Can elders be vamped? IIRC, children can't be vamped.

These questions may be behind the times, but I'm considering playing vamps for the first time. I've experimented with them in the past in old neighborhoods (sans awesome hacks), but haven't really played them since they appeared somewhat boring when I first messed with them. I remember having a vamp with a new baby and having problems caring for it during the day. I just can't remember whether she was vamped before, during, or after pregnancy.

Vamps are fertile but zombies aren't. Is that correct?

Title: Re: Question about vampires
Post by: SnootCB on 2007 July 10, 17:17:50
I've heard that vampires don't die of old age, so do they age at all? Will a Sim vamped as a teen remain a teen, or keep aging normally but not actually die of old age? Do vamps turn elder at all? Can elders be vamped? IIRC, children can't be vamped.

These questions may be behind the times, but I'm considering playing vamps for the first time. I've experimented with them in the past in old neighborhoods (sans awesome hacks), but haven't really played them since they appeared somewhat boring when I first messed with them. I remember having a vamp with a new baby and having problems caring for it during the day. I just can't remember whether she was vamped before, during, or after pregnancy.

Vamps are fertile but zombies aren't. Is that correct?

The only time that a vampire will age is if you send them to or away from college.  Otherwise, their age bar is frozen.  And, yes, vamps are fertile but not zombies.

ETA: Yes, elders can be vamped.

Title: Re: Question about vampires
Post by: phyllis_p on 2007 July 10, 17:22:51
I've heard that vampires don't die of old age, so do they age at all? Will a Sim vamped as a teen remain a teen, or keep aging normally but not actually die of old age? Do vamps turn elder at all? Can elders be vamped? IIRC, children can't be vamped.

Adult and elder vamps do not age. I'm not sure about teen vamps -- only one I had was a townie teen who got bitten.  I sent her to Uni, where she became a YA vamp; then she became an adult vamp after she graduated; then she stopped aging. So I suspect teen playable vamps may age and transition to YAs or adults, just as teen zombies will (but I don't know for sure).

Vamps are fertile but zombies aren't. Is that correct?


btw, for my pregnant vamp, I invited a local elder to move in and act as nanny/housekeeper, since hired nannies could be so unpredictable.

Title: Re: Question about vampires
Post by: Khan of Wyrms on 2007 July 10, 17:55:27
Teen vampires only can and do age when sent to college, although they might also if instructed to 'Grow Up', I have not tried this,  otherwise they remain teen perpetually.  YA vampires age to adult when they leave college.  It is something of a vampire aging/non-aging conundrum.

Title: Re: Question about vampires
Post by: akatonbo on 2007 July 10, 19:42:15
Also, since only Sims age teen and older can be vampires, vampirism is not hereditary, and babies born to vampires are completely normal (and even once they are teenagers must be bitten to be vamped).

Zombies, like vampires, also only age by way of college. (It must be kind of weird to have NL but not Uni and have teen vamps who can't grow up unless they're unvamped for a while.) It might also be possible to use aging hacks or cheats to age teen vamps and/or zombies into adults without unvamping them first, but I've never tried it.