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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Danton on 2006 November 07, 16:30:11

Title: "invite household" package?
Post by: Danton on 2006 November 07, 16:30:11
Hi, I play a non english version of the game and the phrase "invite household" in the first dialog box was really bad translated, so I want to fix it. Is it in any package file I could open with SimPE in order to end the annoyance?

If so, please, point me the package!

Title: Re: "invite household" package?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 November 07, 19:27:32
Probably objects.package in the game directories under Program Files.  It should be in c:\program files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Pets\TSData\Res\Objects.  Keep in mind that it's huge (almost 50Mb) so it may take a while to find the right menu.

Title: Re: "invite household" package?
Post by: Motoki on 2006 November 07, 19:33:07
Pescado probably included it in the phone hack too I would imagine. Haven't looked yet though.

Title: Re: "invite household" package?
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 November 07, 19:40:24
Perhaps, but I don't think El Presidente includes non-English translations in his hacks, unless someone else provides the translation for him.

Title: Re: "invite household" package?
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 November 07, 19:49:45
Is this on the phone menu? You can probably narrow things down by looking specifically at the Text Lists STR# (typically Instances 0x12D or 0x12E) files or the Pie Menu Strings TTAs. You can probably use the filter to sort by PhoneGlobals or anything phone related.

1) Click on the specific file you want, right click, and extract it somewhere to your computer where it will be easy to find.
2) Close the object.packge
3) Click File -> New
4) In the window that lists the individual resources, right click, choose Add..., and add the .xml file that you just extracted.
5) In Plug-in View, hit the Go to arrow until you reach the language you are using.
6) Edit the text however you want it.
7) Click Commit
8) File -> Save As -> pickAnAppropriateNameForYour.package :P

Stick your .package file in your Downloads folder (in a subfolder if you wish), and voila, your game should now have the new text that you added.

Incidentally... I searched for 'Invite Household' and you probably want to use the filter to look for:

Group 0x7FE2205A
Instance 0x12D(Dialog prim string set)

in the Text Lists STR# files.


Title: Re: "invite household" package?
Post by: Motoki on 2006 November 07, 19:52:45
I know he doesn't write translations, but if he's cloning a Maxis object I believe SimPE allows you the option to clone with all the original Maxis translations intact.

But again, I haven't really looked. *shrug*

Title: Re: "invite household" package?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 November 07, 20:12:10
It does, and all the translations are cloned intact.

Title: Re: "invite household" package?
Post by: Danton on 2006 November 07, 23:41:27
Incidentally... I searched for 'Invite Household' and you probably want to use the filter to look for:

Group 0x7FE2205A
Instance 0x12D(Dialog prim string set)

in the Text Lists STR# files.

That was great. Unfortunately the translation was ok there. So it must be wrong somewhere else.
How can I search for the string I want to fix?