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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Theo on 2006 November 07, 10:52:26

Title: College move-out (again...)
Post by: Theo on 2006 November 07, 10:52:26
This isn't a stuck move-out problem, in fact if it wasn't for my intervention, all sims in a greek house would leave into the taxi after a graduation party, even though only one sim had graduated.

Two of them managed to slip out though, and only with Inge's superb shrub was it possible to get them back to the lot again. Could it be they were scared off by all the exams? ;D

Non-awesomery is included in my hack arsenal, so you can point and laugh now :P ...

Title: Re: College move-out (again...)
Post by: Katze on 2006 November 07, 13:57:55
Theo I only had that happen when I had the inteen in my game. Had to take it out every time someone graduated or they all move out with the graduating sim. Don't have it in the game now because its not updated for pets yet.

Title: Re: College move-out (again...)
Post by: Theo on 2006 November 07, 14:08:31
Thanks for the tip Katze, I'll be watching what happens without InTeen  :)

* hastily hides the dead kittens *

Title: Re: College move-out (again...)
Post by: Katze on 2006 November 07, 14:12:18

Title: Re: College move-out (again...)
Post by: jefrir on 2006 November 10, 11:39:02
I also had this problem - I believe it's Inteen conflicting with something else. I can't remember quite what but I think it was something to do with money. Inteen alone is fine.

Title: Re: College move-out (again...)
Post by: jrd on 2006 November 10, 12:22:21
no20khandouts? I heard that theory before...  The hack conflict scanner does not report a conflict though.

It's one of the things I am going to try and track down in the new version if at all possible.

Title: Re: College move-out (again...)
Post by: jefrir on 2006 November 10, 13:05:18
I had just remembered it was no20khandouts. I have both in my game and playing nicely now though, so I must have found some way to fix it. Try getting new versions / changing which inteen flavorpacks you have installed.

Title: Re: College move-out (again...)
Post by: Katze on 2006 November 10, 13:07:32
I'm playing without inteen now because its not updated for pets yet.