More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: syberspunk on 2006 November 06, 09:55:37

Title: Trying to route while out of world error from UrnStoneGlobals
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 November 06, 09:55:37
I got this error today with a dead dormie that was hauntin about. I think the only urnstone or ghost related hacks that I have (or I am aware of that affect Urns/Headstones) are FFS hacks: nounlinkondelete, romanceurnstonefix, noghostelevatorlag, and the 'in test' tombstonemovefix. I'd have to do a more thorough check if it does turn out to be non-awesomeware, but I can't think of anything else I might have that is related to urnstones or ghosts.

Anyhew, is this a fluke or a legitimate error? I figure if it is legitimate, it may be related to or can be bundled into one of the other fixes.

I took a peek at the code, and I guess it seems like the sim is trying to route while being off world? But I think line 8 should test if the sim is off world or not, no? I'm not sure, but I figure someone else may have a better idea.

# Group = 0x7F38B8A7, Instance = 0x206D
# Title = Sub - Haunt Loop - Route Randomly
# Format = 0x8009, Params = 1, Locals = 2
# Tree type = 0x0, Header flag = 0x0, Tree version = 0xFFFF800F (-32753), Cache flags = 0

     0: Local 1 := Stack Object; true: 1, false: error
     1: Stack Object := Me; true: 4, false: error
     2: Go To Routing Slot: global 0x36, no failure trees, allow different altitudes; true: 3, false: 3
     3: Local 0 ++ and < Param 0; true: 4, false: true
     4: .Sub - Resurrect - Sim Resurrected?(Local 1); true: false, false: 8
     5: .Sub - Check Leaving Business; true: false, false: 6
     6: .Script - Handle Subqueue; true: 7, false: 2
     7: Go To Routing Slot: global 0x36, no failure trees, allow different altitudes; true: true, false: true
     8: My room (0x1D) >= 0; true: 5, false: false

I was thinkin that maybe sticking a verify person(stack object) might work? but I wasn't sure if it would be a weird case since the sim is a ghost.


ETA: I meant line 8, I probably put 5 because the true return value leads to line 5. :P

Title: Re: Trying to route while out of world error from UrnStoneGlobals
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 November 06, 09:58:00
I think what you want to check is "My 0x1d >= 0", meaning, "is sim actually in the world, as opposed to one of those off-lot hover-sims

Although how the hell a ghost ended up offworld to begin with baffles me. This error probably needed to happen, and you just needed to poke "delete".

Title: Re: Trying to route while out of world error from UrnStoneGlobals
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 November 06, 10:09:23
I think what you want to check is "My 0x1d >= 0", meaning, "is sim actually in the world, as opposed to one of those off-lot hover-sims

Hrm. Yeah, that's what I meant actually. I thought line 8 should already check if the sim is on or off world. If it is false, then it should just exit and return false. But apparently it returned true and eventually got to line 2, where it barfed. *shrugs* FYI, this isn't like any hack that I made. This does look like it is Maxis EA code, at least what I found using teh dizziness.

Although how the hell a ghost ended up offworld to begin with baffles me. This error probably needed to happen, and you just needed to poke "delete".

Could it be that the tombstones I had are just one tile from the boundary of the lot? This was on a dorm lot, I think the 12 or 10 room one. One of the larger ones, it has that large living room space on the 1st floor with 6 bookcases and that fish tank. Anyhew... I put the two headstones out in front, to the left of the bushes. There is only this narrow, 1 tile wide and like 5 or 6 tiles long up until the left most edge of the lot (assuming your orient yourself by facing the entrance of the building). So, basically the headstones are between the building and the sidewalk. I'm not sure how the ghost ended up offworld. Is it possible that maybe it wandered to the other side of the street and somehow buggered itself offworld?
