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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Danni on 2005 September 18, 18:41:01

Title: Where's the blur gone? :P
Post by: Danni on 2005 September 18, 18:41:01
OK... I went and picked up my copy of NightLife today (nice person rang me up a couple of days ago telling me it was available for pickup). Last week I'd done a complete reinstall of the game, with Uni, no hacks or custom content. I made one family, played it, and saved it while my woman was in the bath. Install NightLife, and she gets out of the bath, and there is no blur. She was standing in full Barbie nakedness.

(I'm not complaining - I hate the blur, just was extremely surprised!)

I'm guessing this is a bug :)

(Edit: Missed something out)

Title: Re: Where's the blur gone? :P
Post by: Danni on 2005 September 18, 19:00:52
I forgot I'd not saved the game...


Title: Re: Where's the blur gone? :P
Post by: sara_dippity on 2005 September 18, 20:34:41

Sorry. Temporarily possesed by Jack Thompson. Was she interruped by a birthday while taking a free will bath, and is she outgoing? I had that happen once before. Supposed to be an actual feature. Though I think the blur might be supposed to be there, hard to tell since back then my startup cheat worked just fine for nekid sims.

Title: Re: Where's the blur gone? :P
Post by: nothingbutsims on 2005 September 18, 20:35:15
 :o Wow!  Does this happen everytime one of your Sims showers, or was this just a one-time thing?  People in the Sim-world are having a cow over this censor blur, and you've done absolutely nothing to get rid of it.

Title: Re: Where's the blur gone? :P
Post by: Danni on 2005 September 18, 21:19:28
She's very shy (I think she has 1 point), I'd directed her to take a bath, and no birthdays yet. I'll go see if the blur occurs with anyone else coming out of the bath.

Title: Re: Where's the blur gone? :P
Post by: Danni on 2005 September 18, 21:24:32
Nope, just that one time. Could it be because I saved just as she was coming out of the bath maybe?

Title: Re: Where's the blur gone? :P
Post by: nothingbutsims on 2005 September 18, 21:50:47
You must have caught it in the nick of the time.  Bet you couldn't do that again if you tried  :D

Title: Re: Where's the blur gone? :P
Post by: Danni on 2005 September 19, 09:03:24
Probably not :)

I guess I'll go find the no blur hack now :P I just wish I looked that good in real life :P