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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: amileegirl on 2006 November 03, 04:29:20

Title: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: amileegirl on 2006 November 03, 04:29:20
I really think the design team was asleep on this one.

The woohoo in a ginormous pethouse is bad enough.  If it was really necessary to censor to that extreme, it would have been far more tolerable had it been more clever, like jumping in a bush. 

And why can't you brush the dog or cat?  Why only tub bathing.  Just doesn't make sense.   *sigh*  I could have sworn, too, that a pet bathing/grooming station had been advertised in previews or have I just lost my mind?   

 And where are the water dishes?  Or dogs drinking out of the toilet bowl...a toddler can splash in it, a cat can potty in it, but a dog can't drink out of it (unless I just haven't seen it)?  That's one of a dog's major jobs!   They can't bring in the paper either (or shred it to teen tiny soggy pieces).

Only fetch with a stick pulled out of sim butts.  No balls?  What -- not enough room in their collective behinds for one more object? 

The hole digging is amusing.  But why does it take HOURS upon sim hours to fill the blasted thing?  It's not that big of a hole!

I haven't yet seen a cat try to climb a tree (or even the curtains).

No mice for cats or rat terriers to pounce when things are sufficiently dirty?

Anyone seen two pets cuddle in sleep together yet?

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: Motoki on 2006 November 03, 04:44:31
Where's the file?  :P

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: amileegirl on 2006 November 03, 05:42:29
Dang.  Did I post in the wrong place?  My apologies!  So Sorry.

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: ChamiMinds on 2006 November 04, 23:18:35
Yeah I agree Amilee! Plus I hate the fact that you can't walk more than one dog at a time! That's very annoying! And there are mor cat toys then there are dog toys? So unfair! I'd like more toys for the dogs they're getting jipped!

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: Nivaya on 2006 November 04, 23:24:56
They dig holes? :o I's not yet seen this. Yes, although it's been said before, all over the place, Pets does seem really rather rushed and not too well thought-out. Although Unleashed, for TS1, had it's flaws, it was much better thought out, with regards to what the pets themselves actually did/had, there was so much more POSSIBLE to do using TS2, and it seems a shame how little was actually gained, in the end...

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: kewian on 2006 November 04, 23:33:58
well these animals I like a whole lot better .  Mostly they act like real animals and lots of fighting ..which is mostly normal.  Now dogs have their squeeky bones the dog knows any better?   Im annoyed that when the animal attacks the furniture it shows no damage whatsoever. I think it should fall apart.  Little dogs should never win dog fights with big dogs. Thats not real. Butt kicking every time I say.

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 November 04, 23:48:38
Yeah I agree Amilee! Plus I hate the fact that you can't walk more than one dog at a time! That's very annoying! And there are mor cat toys then there are dog toys? So unfair! I'd like more toys for the dogs they're getting jipped!

Check the Pets/Objects section on MTS2 -- there's quite a few new dog toys there.

Im annoyed that when the animal attacks the furniture it shows no damage whatsoever. I think it should fall apart.  Little dogs should never win dog fights with big dogs. Thats not real. Butt kicking every time I say.

I thought that the furniture was eventually supposed to fall apart if they kept chewing.  And there are little dogs that are meaner and tougher than some big ones --  not common, but it does happen.  I've seen a Chow-type mix give a good smack-down to a full size Golden.

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: kewian on 2006 November 05, 00:08:36
chows are tough ass dogs though. Not very tolerant of children.  Goldens seem to be more mellower. Although we had one who kept coming down the road to kick our shepard mix's butt once a week...esp. when someone went into heat.... Still this stupid little stray mutt should not be able beat up my big dogs. bleh.  wonder if fight club would work for petz?   :P

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: miros on 2006 November 05, 01:04:45
well these animals I like a whole lot better .  Mostly they act like real animals and lots of fighting ..which is mostly normal.  Now dogs have their squeeky bones the dog knows any better?   Im annoyed that when the animal attacks the furniture it shows no damage whatsoever. I think it should fall apart.  Little dogs should never win dog fights with big dogs. Thats not real. Butt kicking every time I say.

Yes, dogs can be trained via Scold/Praise to chew the toy instead of the furniture. 

Yes, furniture will disintegrate if it's scratched or chewed too much in one session.  If you can stop it in time, the furniture will survive and return to completely undamaged.  Dogs will chew up homework that's left on the floor, but apparently Sim teachers will actually take that excuse.

If the fight is on the little dog's turf, the little dog should win almost every time.  When the breeders selected for size, they didn't also select for the understanding that the dog is now little, so the dog thinks it's a big dog, even if its vocal cords are so tiny it squeaks when it barks.  Meanwhile the big dog is too busy doggie-laughing at the little dog to pay attention to its fighting...

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: skandelouslala on 2006 November 05, 01:46:32
Maxis...EA isn't very clever anymore when it comes to making the EPs.

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: Paperbladder on 2006 November 05, 02:34:09
I'm disappointed that the Pets expansion had less for pets than Unleashed did, and Unleashed had features that didn't have to do with pets.  However, it seems that Pets did inherit one thing from Unleashed, pets being treated as visitors.  I think it's also somewhat pathetic that a pet can have a job which pays a lot more than the elder/teen jobs yet further increasing the inflation problem.

I got through most of the features of Pets in less than 6 hours.  Unleashed took days.

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: neriana on 2006 November 05, 03:43:35
Dogs don't usually try to actually kill each other when they fight. Almost all of it is about who's got more "fight" in them, rather than who is actually stronger. Some small dogs can totally kick ass, though; an Aberdeen terrier will wipe the floor with a labrador every day and twice on Sundays. Kind of like my cat. She's very small, but the vet tech struggles to hold her down for her shots, and she can and will take toys away from larger animals (like pit-bull mix dogs and humans) with her physical prowess. My vet says the small ones are often the strongest -- it's all muscle and attitude ;).

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: theisz on 2006 November 05, 04:46:13
Tell me about.  My cat, Teeny Tiny Taki, is only 4 1/2 pounds, but good lord what a terror she can be.  She gets the Squirrelly Wrath going and my other cats run like hell and they are twice as big as her.  ;D  My 15 pound cat is very much afraid of her.  :D

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 November 05, 04:51:10
Little dogs should never win dog fights with big dogs. Thats not real. Butt kicking every time I say.
You have obviously never seen a little dog fight. The effect frequently resembles Yoda vs. Count Dooku.

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: kewian on 2006 November 05, 05:33:01
yeah, I tend to ignore little yap yap  purse dogs... I prefer bigger beefier dogs. Cats will kick dogs butts quite frequently , Ive seen that all the time.

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: notveryawesome on 2006 November 05, 05:36:23
You have obviously never seen a little dog fight. The effect frequently resembles Yoda vs. Count Dooku.

LOL - this is certainly true of my mother's chihuahuas. They're horrible yappy little things, yet they regularly kick the Border Collie's ass. Family gatherings at the parents' house are entertaining, to say the least...

Edited quoted text to include only parts being referred to. Sheesh, I'm as bad as KevinTMC  ;)

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: MistyBlue on 2006 November 05, 07:17:15
In my house the littlest wins every fight. My cat knocks the crap out of my jack russell and boxer, and the jack russell beats the crap out of the boxer. My poor boxer is always on the floor and frequently tries to hide behind the cat.

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: cwieberdink on 2006 November 05, 14:07:17
My parents have three dogs -- two standard poodles and a shoodle (shitzu and toy poodle mix).  The shoodle rules the roost.  When they came to visit, I have a dog that looks like an Ewok and is about 45 pounds.  The shoodle kicked his  butt too.


Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: kewian on 2006 November 05, 15:16:21
I think based on lots of observation that most of these little dogs are SPOILED way beyond belief and they get so jealous if someone gets near their source of the goodies that they will kill any other animal to defend it.  Yap yaps are very much into spoiling.

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 November 05, 15:53:09
Some friends of mine are foisting off an animal they refer to as a "Yorkshire Terrorist" on me. They've tried unsuccessfully to fob it off on three previous owners which all returned it when they couldn't handle it barking all night, apparently preventing their wussies selves from sleeping, and the fact that a 4-5 pound animal could reduce a $5000 couch to rubble in 2 hours.

I never sleep. I have indestructible furniture. This should be entertaining.

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: kutto on 2006 November 05, 15:56:04
Some friends of mine are foisting off an animal they refer to as a "Yorkshire Terrorist" on me.

Friends? Of yours? Elaborate.

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 November 05, 16:01:21
Well, okay, perhaps "Friends" is generous. I mean, they *ARE* fobbing off an animal nobody could handle on me.

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: MistyBlue on 2006 November 05, 17:56:53
I think based on lots of observation that most of these little dogs are SPOILED way beyond belief and they get so jealous if someone gets near their source of the goodies that they will kill any other animal to defend it.  Yap yaps are very much into spoiling.

Spoiled...oh no, no, no. My jack is the black sheep if anything. She is constantly in trouble for growling, being greedy, trying to claim dominance, and whatever else she can get herself into. She has acted this way since she was 8wks old. For the most part, she's good because she thinks I'm watching her, but when I'm not looking, her bitchy side comes out full fledged. She's lucky my boxer loves her so much or I would have shipped her ass off to doggy boot camp! (my

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: lefty on 2006 November 05, 22:18:58
Little dogs should never win dog fights with big dogs. Thats not real. Butt kicking every time I say.

I'm going with everyone else with this one, we have a cocker mix and toy poodle, and a few years ago we also had a black labrador. The toy poodle had them both under her paw ever since she entered the household, and still has the cocker mix deferring to her. While we had the lab, he was absolutely terrified of her!  :D

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: PandaGirl on 2006 November 05, 22:46:32
the other night, my tiny little cat bit my aussie cattle dog cross and made him bleed. the big sissy went and hid under my bed until my parents came home. he's about 30kgs and she's about 4kgs.... fun times  ;D

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: notveryawesome on 2006 November 06, 19:29:22
Hehe, I have a friend who refers to little yappy dogs as 'kickables' (not that I would ever kick one, but it is tempting sometimes).

Title: Re: Pet Peeves: No water bowl, no brushing, no paper shredding? etc.
Post by: Nivaya on 2006 November 06, 19:47:03
Little dogs should never win dog fights with big dogs. Thats not real. Butt kicking every time I say.

My grandparents used to have a slightly oversized Yorkie, and lived on a large military base, right across the road from the sports field. My grandad would take him for a walk early in the morning, when the MP dogs were being walked, GREAT BIG German Shepard dogs, who could have swallowed him whole...he would always, without fail, go for them, it was hilrious. Luckily, my grandad was sturdy enough to hold him back...I fear it would have been one of the cases where the big dog would win, somehow....