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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: simhummingbird on 2005 September 18, 16:21:53

Title: Bills burn up in Sims' hot little hands!
Post by: simhummingbird on 2005 September 18, 16:21:53
At first I thought it was something to do with one of my Sims being very angry at her cheating Ex. She got the bill, and before she put it down, it caught fire and disappeared.
Then I put a brand new, non-angry Sim in a downtown lot and his first bill came. I had him go out to the box to get it, and when he did he looked at hit, his hands glowed with fire and his bill also disappeared. Okay, so is this a new way for Sims to end up getting things repossessed or is it just their way or protesting their bills? It's funny for now, but if stuff starts getting repossessed it could be a disaster!

Title: Re: Bills burn up in Sims' hot little hands!
Post by: Zeljka on 2005 September 18, 19:00:57
that's not a hate letter is it?

Title: Re: Bills burn up in Sims' hot little hands!
Post by: cabelle on 2005 September 18, 20:18:21
I could be mistaken but I think you're right Zeljka. That sounds like what a hate letter would be like.

Title: Re: Bills burn up in Sims' hot little hands!
Post by: nothingbutsims on 2005 September 18, 20:45:24
Do you think something like this would be in the Sim's inventory?  My Sims have gotten letters and dinner coupons in the mail and they have shown up in their inventory.  These things usually don't come on regular bills days (Tuesdays or Thursdays).

Title: Re: Bills burn up in Sims' hot little hands!
Post by: simhummingbird on 2005 September 18, 21:17:17
Hmm, that is something to think about. Except that these two came on a Tuesday and Thursday I would totally agree. I guess I'll have to check their inventories... but why would a brand new sim that's barely been in a house one day get a hate letter on bill day? aaarrrrrggghhh... am I going to have to break down and buy that awful guide to really see what all is new in this expansion? LOL