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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Vren Lyet on 2006 November 01, 18:20:17

Title: Clock that pops a message when a certain time has come?
Post by: Vren Lyet on 2006 November 01, 18:20:17
I wondered if anyone could be bothered to create a special clock that pops a message (or better yet a dialog) when a specific setup time of sim day has come.

It should have a pie menu to let the player choose when the pop up message should appear.
Also, after the message pop-up the game speed should be reset to normal or the game should be paused if possible.
The pop up dialog could ask whether to save the game right now or not.

I need this, cause lately I constantly miss the (sim) time when I want to save my lots - I play chronologically and am quite a perfectionist...

Anyone interested in creating this will-very-much-be-appreciated piece of technology? ;)

Title: Re: Clock that pops a message when a certain time has come?
Post by: JadeEliott on 2006 November 02, 19:44:43
Just for the record, I would love something like this too. Have no idea how to make it happen though, besides begging modders.

I am also jonesing for an automatic payment mod, where I can set up a daily or weekly payment from any sim to any sim. My economic system desperately needs this.

Title: Re: Clock that pops a message when a certain time has come?
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 November 02, 21:46:34
I am also jonesing for an automatic payment mod, where I can set up a daily or weekly payment from any sim to any sim. My economic system desperately needs this.

Simswardrobe has an auto paybill object ( I haven't used it myself, but maybe this is what you are looking for. :)


Title: Re: Clock that pops a message when a certain time has come?
Post by: Venusy on 2006 November 02, 22:08:12
I might be wrong about this, but I think JadeEliott was actually looking for something like the money order object, only one that pays a set amount to a Sim every day/week...

Title: Re: Clock that pops a message when a certain time has come?
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 November 02, 22:16:33
Duh. That's what I get for reading one thing and thinkin another. I saw automatic payment and I immediately thought about the auto pay bill object that I had seen the other day. :P

If you are looking for an alimony type kinda hack or a rent type hack, Monique has something like that over at MTS2.
There's Child Support ( and Tenant and Landlord ( hacks.


Title: Re: Clock that pops a message when a certain time has come?
Post by: kutto on 2006 November 03, 02:44:22
I believe Jade requested the Landlord one.  :P

Title: Re: Clock that pops a message when a certain time has come?
Post by: JadeEliott on 2006 November 03, 08:09:10
Kutto, right all around. But thanks for trying, Ste.

Title: Re: Clock that pops a message when a certain time has come?
Post by: Vren Lyet on 2006 November 03, 08:18:33
Monique's hacks are great! I use the Child support and Landlord mod myself.

Anyway, to get us back on track...anyone else interested in this "clock" thingy... ;)

Title: Re: Clock that pops a message when a certain time has come?
Post by: mildlydisguised on 2006 November 03, 09:10:18
I haven't tried this but you can set this for any time

Title: Re: Clock that pops a message when a certain time has come?
Post by: Vren Lyet on 2006 November 03, 09:24:34
The clock I have in mind is actually not for my sims to know the sim time of day but for me - that's why I need a pop-up message or dialog.

For my sims I use J.M.'s superb SleepClock - so they're managed... ;)

Title: Re: Clock that pops a message when a certain time has come?
Post by: mildlydisguised on 2006 November 03, 09:55:03
Ahhh *nods knowingly* if you find one let me know because, now, I want it too.

Title: Re: Clock that pops a message when a certain time has come?
Post by: JadeEliott on 2006 November 03, 18:39:05
Vren, how is the landlord mod working in your pets game? I know you posted in the thread that it had stopped it still borked?

Title: Re: Clock that pops a message when a certain time has come?
Post by: Vren Lyet on 2006 November 03, 18:57:42
Yeah, no matter what I do (new neighbourhood, new lots, new families) the settings on the deeds always reset to "0% weekly" when I reload the landlord's lot (after saving, of course).

Funny thing is, if I remember correctly at first it worked - that is with my already set up lots in my old neighbourhood. But it stopped working along the way when I installed pets versions of hacks I used before. Then I even did a test run of the landlord mod in pets with all the hacks removed again - did nothing good.

I'm (im)patiently waiting for an update...

Title: Re: Clock that pops a message when a certain time has come?
Post by: dizzy on 2006 November 04, 01:49:52
How about this? The hack automatically brings up a Save dialog at a designated time, alternatively letting you auto-save at that time. The time could be configured to be 5:55 or 6:55 (or something similar). Auto-save would be handy for me, but I could see people preferring to have the dialog as the default.