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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Brynne on 2005 September 18, 13:12:04

Title: I see dead people...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 September 18, 13:12:04
I've mentioned this in a few threads here and even posted pics, but no one else seems to have the same problem, I guess. I am having problems with gravestones appearing  in multiples on the sidewalk. Many of the same sim. Every time I go to play a lot, any lot, brand-spanking new, no house, nothing except the sims I had just moved in, the gravestones are there, along with puddles in the street. It happens in houses that previously had ghosts, as well. The tombstones of those ghosts are all on the sidewalk, and they are all platinum death tombstones. Even if the sim did not die a platinum death. I had 3 "Here lies Fred Goode" tombstones on one lot, and he appeared on every other lot I played.

I have the QA version of simpe, so I resurrected the sims whose gravestones I saw. Going back to the game, there were no gravestones on the lot this time. I had one of the sims I resurrected die again to see what would happen. I saw the normal GR routine, nothing seemed amiss. Got a single tombstone for Debbie Bayfield. The night she made her first appearance as a ghost (which was a lot sooner than would happen before NL) I had a teen go downtown on a date. He got to the bowling alley, and there were 2 "Here lies Debbie Bayfield" graves on the sidewalk again. Not only that, but her ghost was there, as well! So she was simultaneously haunting the house and the bowling alley. When the teen arrived home, Debbie's ghost was still there, as well as 2 more of her tombstones.

Here is the link to my first post concerning this, with a picture: Please note that the puddles in the street, which always appear with the tombstones, are yellow because of the yellow pee hack, I'm sure. Which means the puddles are pee. Water puddles still show up blue. I know, gross...

Does anyone know what's going on, here? Please???

Title: Re: I see dead people...
Post by: miramis on 2005 September 18, 13:22:15
Brynne does it still happen with nothing in your downloads folder?   (Not to say it definately is caused by content, just to rule it out that's all.)

Title: Re: I see dead people...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 September 18, 13:26:26
Hmmmm...let me try. I pretty much cleared out my hacks, but maybe something's lurking somewhere in all those weird number files.

Title: Re: I see dead people...
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 September 18, 14:02:08
Actually, this is rather amusing if you think about it, but I can see that it might also get a bit tiresome!  I meant to ask on that other thread, is there any chance of you uploading Bella's son somewhere?  He's extremely dishy!  Who's his father? 

Title: Re: I see dead people...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 September 18, 14:49:31
By process of elimination, I've determined that it is the yellow pee hack that is doing this. I don't get it. Makes no sense to me, but that's that's what it was.

AncientSim, his father is Joe, the sim in my avatar. He's holding Justin as a toddler. Hmmm...if I can figure out how to upload him without all the baggage, I'll do it for you. I agree, he's pretty hot!

Title: Re: I see dead people...
Post by: Motoki on 2005 September 18, 14:53:03
If you go into SimPE and then into Sim Surgery, select the sim and then hit export you can save a sim's physical characteristics to a package file. :)

Title: Re: I see dead people...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 September 18, 15:19:59
Oh, yeah! Now I feel like a goober. Thanks, Motoki!

Title: Re: I see dead people...
Post by: miramis on 2005 September 18, 15:45:16
I don't see the connection between tombstones and a pee hack either  :-\  Glad to hear you've tracked down the problem though.

Title: Re: I see dead people...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 September 18, 16:00:15
Okay, AncientSim. If you want him, I got him! Let me know...