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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: verdaeni on 2006 October 30, 06:37:05

Title: missing NL content with pets?
Post by: verdaeni on 2006 October 30, 06:37:05
i just loaded pets.  im playing the new family, roselynd or something.   some guy calls up on a random invite for a group outing and i take it.  we arrive at the bowling club and there is no 'date'  meter.  now i only played so much with the date/outings, but im pretty sure there was a datemeter with the outings, and if you did good, then more people called you up for outings.   the only hacks i have running right now are maty.   so... i should have the meter, right?  is anyone else having this problem?  i checked hack compatibility but i could have left an old one in or something.

Title: Re: missing NL content with pets?
Post by: Kyna on 2006 October 30, 06:41:56
You don't always get the outing meter.  Sometimes you get called up for an outing with no meter.  At least in my game (all EPs except Pets)

Title: Re: missing NL content with pets?
Post by: verdaeni on 2006 October 30, 06:47:32
ah...  thanks.    okay then if i ask someone out on a date i should get the meter for sure, right?

Title: Re: missing NL content with pets?
Post by: Sketch Elder on 2006 October 30, 12:02:12
I get the Outing meter for all my outings but I start them myself. I haven't accepted any invitations with Pets installed.

Title: Re: missing NL content with pets?
Post by: Gwill on 2006 October 30, 12:14:00
Since installing pets I've had one scored outing and one unscored one.
I don't like the unscored ones.  I don't quite see the point.

Title: Re: missing NL content with pets?
Post by: Persephone on 2006 October 30, 12:34:58
i just loaded pets.  im playing the new family, roselynd or something.   some guy calls up on a random invite for a group outing and i take it.  we arrive at the bowling club and there is no 'date'  meter.  now i only played so much with the date/outings, but im pretty sure there was a datemeter with the outings, and if you did good, then more people called you up for outings.   the only hacks i have running right now are maty.   so... i should have the meter, right?  is anyone else having this problem?  i checked hack compatibility but i could have left an old one in or something.

When they call and ask you out its never a "scored" outing.  There's two kinds.  Try doing the asking and you'll see what I mean.

Title: Re: missing NL content with pets?
Post by: V on 2006 October 30, 12:51:02
Sometimes they call and ask if you would like to go on an Outing downtown. Other times they call and ask if you would like to meet downtown. The magic meter word is "Outing". If they don't say "Outing" then there will not be a meter.

I am pretty sure that I have been on at least one Outing since installing Pets and the meter ran just fine. With the way cars and taxis work now, I found I could have someone on the outing that is not part of the casual group. If I was playing the sim who was not part of the group the meter disappears and when I switch back to the other sim the meter is right there where it is supposed to be. That is as it should be.

Title: Re: missing NL content with pets?
Post by: Gwill on 2006 October 30, 14:20:06
Sometimes they call and ask if you would like to go on an Outing downtown. Other times they call and ask if you would like to meet downtown. The magic meter word is "Outing". If they don't say "Outing" then there will not be a meter.

Thanks for that clarification.  I never read carefully enough, but I figured there would be a difference in wording.  Next time I'm invited out I'll make sure it's an actual outing.

Title: Re: missing NL content with pets?
Post by: jrd on 2006 October 30, 15:30:04
"Just for fun" is unscored, but I don't think you can tell which kind of invitation it is from the phone.