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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: rohina on 2006 October 29, 20:37:51

Title: Invite family - will it bork my game?
Post by: rohina on 2006 October 29, 20:37:51
I was playing with a fairly new household yesterday, and one of the kids had a bunch of stupid wants to play with his friend. So, when he called the friend, I selected "Invite Household" (mainly because the family could do with knowing some more people.)

Then I got a message with the kid saying "I'm definitely coming, but not sure about the others". The kid and his Dad showed up, were greeted and started interacting.

A while later, I noticed a baby lying on the sidewalk near the edge of the lot (it was being sniffed by a wolf). He belongs to the invited household. My sims had the option to "Greet Horace," but when they did, nothing happened.

I sent the visitors home, but the baby remained for a day or so, until I quit.

Is this likely to cause firey problems? I mean, I can just avoid inviting households, if I know.

Title: Re: Invite family - will it bork my game?
Post by: Motoki on 2006 October 29, 20:43:23
A while later, I noticed a baby lying on the sidewalk near the edge of the lot (it was being sniffed by a wolf). He belongs to the invited household. My sims had the option to "Greet Horace," but when they did, nothing happened.

 :D Sorry, this just made me laugh.

I don't think it would cause any huge problems since babies can't die. I doubt the social worker would come either since it's not a household member. Probably best to delete it with move objects if it happens again. I guess it's another DUH moment for Maxis.  :P

Title: Re: Invite family - will it bork my game?
Post by: rohina on 2006 October 30, 06:22:49
Well, that's what I ended up doing, because he was still there when I re-loaded the lot. I wonder if he will get any  "met scary wolf" memories.

Title: Re: Invite family - will it bork my game?
Post by: verdaeni on 2006 October 30, 06:54:55
i dont think it will cause problems, because ive accidentally had babies over before.  either using a testingcheats 'invite neighborhood', careless use of the teleporter, or when there was some kind of bug that allowed people to bring over babies ..  it was very long ago and i dont remember the details.   i  never checked to see if those babies had memories, but you could just delete them... though at first i was really freaked!  like, killing a baby?   anyway its not 100% sure its okay, but chances are good the mechanics are going to be the same.  hm, i should invite a family with a baby and a todler over and see how badly maxis screwed up.

Title: Re: Invite family - will it bork my game?
Post by: Assmitten on 2006 October 30, 16:24:45
Poor Horace, though! Almost snatched off and raised by wolves. I assume that unattended lawn babies aren't in any actual danger.

Title: Re: Invite family - will it bork my game?
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2006 October 30, 17:02:08
The baby is safe from the social worker so long as it remains on the lawn, sidewalk, driveway, etc.

Social workers only come to take them when the kid is inside the house.

I've often wondered if my Sims with infants would bring them on social visits.  Maybe I'll add a crib or two in the house before sending out the invite, just in case.

Funny story.

Title: Re: Invite family - will it bork my game?
Post by: miros on 2006 October 30, 17:24:17
<snip> like, killing a baby?   <snip>

I think of it as teleporting them home.

Title: Re: Invite family - will it bork my game?
Post by: Assmitten on 2006 October 30, 22:43:41
The baby is safe from the social worker so long as it remains on the lawn, sidewalk, driveway, etc.

Social workers only come to take them when the kid is inside the house.

I've often wondered if my Sims with infants would bring them on social visits.  Maybe I'll add a crib or two in the house before sending out the invite, just in case.

Funny story.

Oh shit! No wonder the one time I tried to abandon the fugliest alien baby EVAH on the front lawn no one took it away. The things I learn here....

Title: Re: Invite family - will it bork my game?
Post by: rohina on 2006 October 31, 00:31:10
Well, the Nanny picked him up from the sidewalk (even though other sims could not do this) and changed his diaper.

Title: Re: Invite family - will it bork my game?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 31, 01:23:30
The SS will never show up for nonresident babies. You'd have to do something like make it selectable for it to be considered a family member, just as the SS won't come for nonresident children you locked in the basement.

Title: Re: Invite family - will it bork my game?
Post by: Motoki on 2006 October 31, 01:27:30
LOL I'm sure you know that because you tried it.   :D

Title: Re: Invite family - will it bork my game?
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 October 31, 16:57:20
That's one way to kidnap children from other sims.

Crazy lady can't get pregnant, invites a family with a baby and just...takes it.