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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Brynne on 2005 September 18, 04:32:13

Title: Imbedded phone hack?
Post by: Brynne on 2005 September 18, 04:32:13
I have gone through my downloads folders both manually and with clean installer, and the phone hack is not showing up. I removed it, but I still get the "set ringer" options, and I got an error regarding the "phone line controller" while loading a house. I read on MTS2 that if you've ever had the phonehack installed in a house, if you move lots the hack will still be there even if you remove it from your downloads folder. My question is, how do I find it, then, to take it out?

Here is the quote:
NOTE: If a hack is USED on a lot and a lot change is made, the hack STAYS with the lot. You may have removed the hack from your downloads but it still exists as part of the lot itself and will continually show up. (bad wording on how it works but you get the idea).

from this link:

And I'm attaching the error I got about the phone line controller.

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