More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: TeenageSims on 2006 October 28, 02:20:38

Title: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: TeenageSims on 2006 October 28, 02:20:38
Hey, I have looked, and looked and looked. I have Not been able to find any damn thing on boosting pet motives. what I am looking for is a hack of some sort to boost Your pets motives.

Title: Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: Brynne on 2006 October 28, 02:28:41
If you play with testing cheats enabled, you can slide their motive bars. You have to enable it in the neighborhood view, IIRC.

Title: Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: Motoki on 2006 October 28, 02:33:32
Or if you are REALLY brave, in your config file.  ;D

OMG B00lPR0P!!!!11111oneoneoneoneone

Title: Re: The Sims2 PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: TeenageSims on 2006 October 28, 02:39:32
Thanks for all of your suggestions, but I am not that brave. So I take it that a plain pet motive  booster haven't been created yet?

anyone else?

Title: Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: Brynne on 2006 October 28, 02:42:16
Oh, I'm brave. I never turn testing cheats off and it IS in my config file.  ;D

Ooooooooh scary. Teh evil!

No, I personally haven't seen anything like that, yet, TeenageSims.  :-\

Title: Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: GloamingMerle on 2006 October 28, 04:30:51
Enter "maxmotives" into the cheat window.. Without quotations, obviously.. This gives everyone a motive boost.

Title: Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 28, 04:32:28
Hey, I have looked, and looked and looked. I have Not been able to find any damn thing on boosting pet motives. what I am looking for is a hack of some sort to boost Your pets motives.
We probably don't have anything like that here. Making items specifically for cheat-purposes, although trivial, is not really what we do. We're too awesome to need cheats, and if we need to change a motive for debug purposes, we usually require finer control than the "all/nothing" answer. Thus we just use the debug mode option.

Title: Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: SharnaPax on 2006 October 28, 04:34:21
Actually, Carrigon has something like that. Whenever you feed your pet a treat, their motives will boost. (

Title: Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: Motoki on 2006 October 28, 04:38:58
On a related note, are people really having a hard time keeping pets motives up? I don't even try and unless I forget to feed them they're almost constantly in a good mood. I find like animals in real life, if you give them what they need they are much better at taking care of their needs than the humans are.

Title: Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: Brynne on 2006 October 28, 04:40:47
My sim cats are nearly maintenance-free except for the feeding and litter box.

Title: Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 28, 04:46:45
My sim cats are nearly maintenance-free except for the feeding and litter box.
Mine use terlets. And Macrotastics automatically refills food in the current build I'm using.

Title: Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: Brynne on 2006 October 28, 04:48:07
I haven't tried the toilet-training, yet. Macro-feeding definitely sounds like a good deal.

Title: Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 28, 04:50:23
Training them to use terlets + Flushforce + BUY = awesome.

Title: Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: KatEnigma on 2006 October 28, 05:32:04
I also have debug turned on in my config file, and I've never had as much as a lot explode as a result, let alone a neighborhood, the game, or my computer.  Don't believe the sheep who tell you that woolprop is responsible for everything from the lot getting corrupted to their hard drives burning up.  ::)

 Not that I really need it for the pets. Although sometimes I slide their needs up if I've forgotten to make them fill something before sending them off to work.  More often, I slide down their energy to keep them asleep and out of trouble while my Sims aren't awake to scold/praise them.

Title: Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: Motoki on 2006 October 28, 05:38:45
lol that's a good idea!

Title: Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: travellersside on 2006 October 28, 13:04:12
Would snapdragons help? Assuming that you have OFB, of course.

Title: Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: kewian on 2006 October 28, 14:19:51
they have no effect on animals whatsoever.

Title: Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: travellersside on 2006 October 28, 14:26:08
You're joking! You're not? Why wouldn't they benefit...
Hmm... Might be linked to species? Since sims and servos are all 1 species, and the pets are different ones, that would be an easy way to discriminate. If so, however, it would be an oversight by some careless programmer. Which would be a novelty  ::) After all, if a hunk of metal can benefit, why can't an animal.

BTW, yes I have pets. It's sitting nicely on the shelf next to me, and it's not getting installed until there's enough hacks out there to fix everything ;)

Title: Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: Myth on 2006 October 28, 15:27:49
I force mine to hibernate as well. 

Title: Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 28, 15:46:27
You're joking! You're not? Why wouldn't they benefit...
Hmm... Might be linked to species? Since sims and servos are all 1 species, and the pets are different ones, that would be an easy way to discriminate. If so, however, it would be an oversight by some careless programmer. Which would be a novelty  ::) After all, if a hunk of metal can benefit, why can't an animal.
It's really more basic than that.

Lots of previous codes did a behavior which iterated through every single sim on the lot and looked at them or did something to them. To avoid having to rewrite every single loop that did that, they simply excluded pets from that loop, and added a new loop function that included pets.

Snapdragons were not updated to use this new loop function. A rather trivial change to make, really. If you REALLY want to play with that, you can get it from the pets test directory.

Title: Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: TeenageSims on 2006 October 28, 17:12:41
 ;D My pets motive are always bad. I have Real tired animals. Yes I purchased everything I needed to for my animals.

Thanks for the web site

Title: Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: Nivaya on 2006 November 05, 21:14:57
My pets are also almost completely maintainence-free, to the point where I'm finding them quite dull...they're all housebroken and whatnot, and taught tricks and at the top of their assorted career paths, and I'm left sitting there going 'Well now what...?'. Which is unusual, since I'm not usually that great at managing everyone...>.>

Title: Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: vilia on 2006 November 05, 22:09:43
You need to encourage their dark side - praise them for running around crazily, for yowling/barking and jumping up on furniture.  If you do it properly, it ought to keep you occupied.

Title: Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: TeenageSims on 2006 November 06, 00:09:14
Try Selling Your pets, the more the know-the more they're worth. I once received about 7k for one well trained cat.

 ::) ;D ;D 8)

Title: Re: The Sims @ PET MOTIVE BOOSTER!!!
Post by: miros on 2006 November 06, 01:10:17
Mine are usually in good moods unless they're stuck in the floor.