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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: pamysue on 2005 September 18, 02:46:20

Title: Townies, baristas, etc...
Post by: pamysue on 2005 September 18, 02:46:20
Has anyone been able to tell if the no respawn fixes for Townies, townie children (dratted brats), baristas and secret society members still work?  I've been able to test out most of my hacks, but not really sure how to do this.  I read somewhere that the barista problem was fixed with NL... true?

I'm ready to go on a new townie killing spree if I know they won't come back.   ;D

And dear Lord!  Spent the afternoon and evening trying to see what works and doesn't... made some headway but that damn PHONE is driving me nuts!  I obviously took for granted just how much I love being able to turn it off!

Thanks for any answers to the questions.