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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Soja on 2006 October 25, 22:39:09

Title: This is not good..
Post by: Soja on 2006 October 25, 22:39:09
I am having some weirdness in my game since installing pets. The wants icons for the different workbenches aren't showing pictures of the objects and my sims also get the want: Buy unnamed wantable object blablabla. I've included pictures.



So.. What should I do?

Title: Re: This is not good..
Post by: Motoki on 2006 October 25, 23:00:04
Looks possibly like a corrupt objects.package file to me. Have you tried copying over the one from CD and overwriting the objects.package in the Pets subdirectories of Program files? I'm at work and forget the exact path but someone else should have it.

The objects.package there should have the same time and date stamp and file size as the one on the CD or DVD. If it doesn't then something's wrong.

The problem may be something entirely different but it does look really similar to what happens when the objects.package file gets corrupted.

Title: Re: This is not good..
Post by: Charamei on 2006 October 25, 23:04:28
I've been getting this as well, also with the crafting benches from OFB. I had Buy Unnamed Wantable Object once; on rebooting the game, it changed to the Robotics Bench.

My guess is that it's a MaxEAian error.

@Motoki: Unless Pets is shipping with a corrupt package (which wouldn't surprise me), it seems unlikely that emelien and myself would have the exact same corruption. I'll try that, but is there another possibility?

Title: Re: This is not good..
Post by: Motoki on 2006 October 25, 23:46:40
Not really. That file tends to get corrupted easily. It's not supposed to ever change but some things like the remote control car toy or Miss Crumplebottom have saved changes to it in the past.

It's not the one on the CD I think that's corrupted it's the one on your hard drives.

Title: Re: This is not good..
Post by: jrd on 2006 October 26, 07:04:31
Best practice is to get it out of and mark it readonly.

Title: Re: This is not good..
Post by: Soja on 2006 October 26, 08:54:49
I did as you said and replaced the objects.package file and I still have the problem.

Title: Re: This is not good..
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 October 26, 09:00:35
Just a shot in the dark but do you have any hacks? Did you try removing your hacks and checking if you still have the problem?

I can't think of any hack that could cause a problem like this... but you never know. Do you have any core file mods that hack the wants, wanttuning, or wanttree files? I would also check those just in case.
