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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: zoonie on 2006 October 25, 15:50:27

Title: My sim won't greet guests
Post by: zoonie on 2006 October 25, 15:50:27
I'm not sure what's happened but my sims suddenly won't greet anyone they've invited over. They ring the doorbell but I don't get the option to greet them. Whatever my sim is doing at the time of the ring, they move and stand somewhere else. I try to click on the person I'm greeting and It says that no actions are available.

Title: Re: My sim won't greet guests
Post by: Weaver on 2006 October 25, 15:57:18
What expansion packs do you have? (University/Nightlife/Business/Pets)

Can you interact with visitors on other residential lots?

Do you have any custom content hacks?
Specifically, any dealing with actions for Sims flagged as visitor.

Title: Re: My sim won't greet guests
Post by: zoonie on 2006 October 25, 17:19:11
Sorry, I should have given more information. I have all the expansion packs (indluding family fun, glamour stuff etc.) except for Pets. I went into my game and tested a few things out. My adult sims won't greet anyone on any lot. They can throw a party and greet people but during many of the interactions they will suddenly stop and pop away. Both my teens and adults will get in a hot tub or pool and ask someone to join then will pop out and there isn't an option to get them back in. This is the same when they are eating dinner.

Title: Re: My sim won't greet guests
Post by: zoonie on 2006 October 25, 17:20:49
Oh, I don't know of any hacks that I've downloaded dealing with visitors. Unless something has popped up in a download that I don't know about.

Title: Re: My sim won't greet guests
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 October 25, 17:27:07
Run with boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and see if you get any error messages.

(if you do, select cancel and then reset. Then post the log from the Logs folder and place it here in an attachment)

Title: Re: My sim won't greet guests
Post by: dizzy on 2006 October 25, 17:28:29
Anything Social could be doing that, especially an old hack (anything over a year old).

Title: Re: My sim won't greet guests
Post by: zoonie on 2006 October 25, 17:36:14
quick question before I get into my game again. Is there a way I can go into my downloads folder and find files that are hacks. Are they named a particular way? I've looked down through them and can't always tell what is a hack or just clothing, object, etc., download. Thanks for everyone's help

Title: Re: My sim won't greet guests
Post by: Fish Dude on 2006 October 25, 17:39:38
Try this ( That lists most of your downloads and what types, and also includes alot of interesting and useful tools.

Title: Re: My sim won't greet guests
Post by: zoonie on 2006 October 25, 17:56:33
I downlloaded Sims2pack. That is awesome! One question, some of the files come up as under type as empty package. What does that mean? And a few give no description at all, could those be the hacks??
Thanks sooooooo much!!!

Title: Re: My sim won't greet guests
Post by: Marg on 2006 October 25, 18:05:58
 All the pink files and the empty pkges can be deleted.     The pinks are duplicates and should be listed together if you clicked on the MD5 button.    Just leave whichever one you want to keep of the duplicates.   If you have two pink files you need to keep one.     The empty pkges are actually empty and are just taking up space in the Downloads.     Most of the hacks will come up red.    Not all hack files are known however so it's possible to have a hack file show up without it being red.    If you sort by object function does it give a description of the file type?   eg   object, clothing etc.    Some of those weird numbered files are actually sim files that people have downloaded and put into their games.    My personal rule is if I can't figure out what it is and the file name is all weird numbers and letters I usually delete them.    You could just disable them for the time being and check in your game to see if anything you are using is missing.    Once you check them out that way you can just delete them later.     This is a great tool for keeping your Downloads folder organized.

edited for spelling    :P

Title: Re: My sim won't greet guests
Post by: rohina on 2006 October 25, 18:09:57
Files that have no description are most likely downloaded sims; not the clothes, the actual people who show up in CAS, like if you downloaded a simself.

Title: Re: My sim won't greet guests
Post by: zoonie on 2006 October 25, 19:05:56
Thanks sooooo much! In the Sims2 Clean installer I cleared out a bunch of "crap" and got rid of a couple of hacks that I was unsure of. My sims now greet their guests and the hot tub and pool issues seem to work as well. Thanks for everyone's help. I really appreciate it!!!!

Title: Re: My sim won't greet guests
Post by: Motoki on 2006 October 25, 21:48:28
I've never been able to prove it, but I believe that deleting custom content in the game causes empty packages. I've always noticed them after I do that and other times I'll go months without ever getting them but then I delete stuff in the game and there they are again.

Maybe the game leaves a residual file when you delete something in the game, but it also seems to delete the wrong files at times too. I once had the white recolor of Windkeeper's Good Luck Cat end up an empty package and I know I never attempted to delete that in or out of the game, so it seems like random files just get shredded sometimes. Fun. :P

Anyway, as others said they can safely be deleted. There's nothing in them so they're of no use anyhow.