More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Moonshires on 2006 October 24, 16:58:44

Title: Macrotastics, Not Eating and Overeating
Post by: Moonshires on 2006 October 24, 16:58:44
Okay, here's the scenario:  My sim came home from work, nearly starving.  His munchie-bot immediately flew off and brought home some Chinese takeout.  I click on macrotastics and to my surprise, there was no 'eat' command available.  So, I manually click the food and have my sim eat it, no problem, except that apparently the hack that prevents sims from overeating doesn't apply to the chinese food either. questions to JM are:

Can you update Macrotastics to allow you to use the eat command (as well as pizza if it's not already there)?
Can you update the hack that prevents you from stuffing your face to work with chinese food as well (again with pizza if it doesn't already)?

And to any modder: Can anyone make it so that you actually eat chinese food faster?  It took the sim almost 3 hours to refill his hunger bar.

Title: Re: Macrotastics, Not Eating and Overeating
Post by: Venusy on 2006 October 24, 17:08:34
I'm going to guess that Chinese food is not supported by Macro.../Eat because of the fact that it makes your sim fatter, regardless of how empty the hunger bar is. I don't understand the no overeating part of the question, as you also say that the sim took almost 3 hours to refill his hunger bar, meaning that the sim was just eating, not overeating.

Title: Re: Macrotastics, Not Eating and Overeating
Post by: Moonshires on 2006 October 24, 17:29:40
You're right, on the original run.  However, when testing it again, when he was barely hungry, the sim sat there and ate for 2 hours before I manually canceled the action.  I tried it again immediate after, and he would've kept eating before I stopped him after half an hour.

So, they eat until the box is empty, even if they're completely full, which is annoying.

Title: Re: Macrotastics, Not Eating and Overeating
Post by: selzi on 2006 October 24, 17:52:39
And to any modder: Can anyone make it so that you actually eat chinese food faster?  It took the sim almost 3 hours to refill his hunger bar.
There is already a hack for this:

Title: Re: Macrotastics, Not Eating and Overeating
Post by: Moonshires on 2006 October 24, 17:56:32
Selzi, I could hug you for that but...since we don't know each other, it'd probably be a little awkward to be hugging, so accept my thanks instead!

Title: Re: Macrotastics, Not Eating and Overeating
Post by: qvcatullus on 2006 October 24, 18:43:30
Yeah, I was pretty upset at the 'chinese food' -- it takes way too long to eat, and always causes fatness. I really don't understand what reason there is for getting it instead of pizza, other than variety, and I hardly ever order in food for sims anyway. What was the point?

All in all, I was disappointed, as there are few things I enjoy more in real life than Chinese takeaway.

Title: Re: Macrotastics, Not Eating and Overeating
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 24, 19:34:43
Okay, here's the scenario:  My sim came home from work, nearly starving.  His munchie-bot immediately flew off and brought home some Chinese takeout.  I click on macrotastics and to my surprise, there was no 'eat' command available.  So, I manually click the food and have my sim eat it, no problem, except that apparently the hack that prevents sims from overeating doesn't apply to the chinese food either.
The Chinese Food is always bad for you whether you overeat or not. Macrotastics will not accept it as valid food because it is a harmful action unless your sim is already fat.

Can you update Macrotastics to allow you to use the eat command (as well as pizza if it's not already there)?
It already does, but it will only accept the Chinese food if it can be used without causing damage, I.E., if the damage is already done.

Can you update the hack that prevents you from stuffing your face to work with chinese food as well (again with pizza if it doesn't already)?
Macrotastics won't eat a pizzaslice unless empty hunger > slice value. It's pointless to worry about the Chinese: Like snacks, it is already inherently damaging to sims and touching it at all already harms the fitness meter.

Title: Re: Macrotastics, Not Eating and Overeating
Post by: Moonshires on 2006 October 24, 19:38:00
Well crud.  *grumble grumble*

Guess I'll need to find someone to hack the munchi-bot to bring something like full turkeys or serving platters of pork chops.  Hehe.

Thanks for letting me know about that, JM, much appreciated!

Title: Re: Macrotastics, Not Eating and Overeating
Post by: Ness on 2006 October 24, 21:36:13
I've asked for a mod to make munchiebots only ever bring pizza, but it's never happened.

In the end I fond it easier to make sure my sims get cooking skill points up so that they can always cook for themselves, and to stuff inventories with food.

Title: Re: Macrotastics, Not Eating and Overeating
Post by: Moonshires on 2006 October 24, 23:06:01
That pizza mod would rock, Ness!  Especially if JM coded the macrotastics to loop the 'eat pizza' command until the sim was full, rather than having to use it after each slice.

And I've used the food in the inventory trick for a lot of sims (especially teens just about ready to move to college), but would actually like to use the bots, instead of just making them and selling them.


Oh well, thank you all for your help and feedback.  It's much appreciated.

Title: Re: Macrotastics, Not Eating and Overeating
Post by: Swiftgold on 2006 October 24, 23:53:47
There was a hack on MTS2 that kept Chinese food from making your Sim fat, a while ago... I rarely have them order out, though, but I think it works fine as far as I can recall.

Title: Re: Macrotastics, Not Eating and Overeating
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 25, 06:53:07
There was a hack on MTS2 that kept Chinese food from making your Sim fat, a while ago... I rarely have them order out, though, but I think it works fine as far as I can recall.
Changes nothing: Macrotastics tries to work under the Maxis standard rules since it cannot count on other third-party modifications. Since it cannot detect them either, it will operate under the least potentially harmful assumptions, so if an action is damaging or useless under Maxian-standard, it will not be chosen.

That pizza mod would rock, Ness!  Especially if JM coded the macrotastics to loop the 'eat pizza' command until the sim was full, rather than having to use it after each slice.
Leaving it on Power Idle will automatically consume pizza slices as space permits.