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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Karen on 2006 October 23, 21:36:39

Title: Shaklin's hacks updated for Pets
Post by: Karen on 2006 October 23, 21:36:39
Shaklin's site has been updated with a couple of pet-related hacks, including a stray-away sign.  Also an updated version of the medicine cabinet.  Check it out here if you're interested:


Title: Re: Shaklin's hacks updated for Pets
Post by: Rhaevyn on 2006 November 24, 09:39:25
Getting a 404 for that link, Karen.  Thanks for posting though, maybe they're just down temporarily.

Title: Re: Shaklin's hacks updated for Pets
Post by: jrd on 2006 November 24, 10:31:11
Shaklin's other URL is also down.

Title: Re: Shaklin's hacks updated for Pets
Post by: Gwill on 2006 November 24, 11:45:03
Is the vampire mod updated?  That's pretty much the only unawesome hack I allow in my game.

Title: Re: Shaklin's hacks updated for Pets
Post by: Inge on 2006 November 25, 16:09:57
Crikey I hope she's ok.  The site's been down weeks :(

Title: Re: Shaklin's hacks updated for Pets
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 November 25, 16:50:47
Crikey I hope she's ok.  The site's been down weeks :(
I heard a rumor that Shaklin sold out to a paysite. Apparently her love bed thing is up for sale on a paysite somewhere. Maybe Fat Head knows more about it.

Title: Re: Shaklin's hacks updated for Pets
Post by: Inge on 2006 November 25, 16:55:06
!!! Somewhere like TSR?   I wish she told me if she was having hosting problems, I could have made room for another littl'un at simlogical.

Title: Re: Shaklin's hacks updated for Pets
Post by: dream_operator on 2006 November 25, 17:27:16
I was wondering about shaklin just last night.  I had taken her vampire mod out along with all of my hacks weeks ago when I was preparing for Pets.  Now I am ready to play a vampire again and I went looking for her site to see if she had updated the mod, but the site is gone.  I really hope someone can tell us what happened to her and where to get her mods.  I am ready to play another vampire, but they just aren't as cool without her mod.


Title: Re: Shaklin's hacks updated for Pets
Post by: Karen on 2006 November 27, 01:12:31
I just discovered that the hacks are still there, at  This page is just a list of file names with links to the zip files, but if you know what you're looking for you should be able to find it.

Title: Re: Shaklin's hacks updated for Pets
Post by: dream_operator on 2006 November 27, 04:09:58
Thanks!  ;D

Title: Re: Shaklin's hacks updated for Pets
Post by: jrd on 2006 November 27, 09:12:19
If anyone wants English translated version of the heaters and the fire hydrant, let me know. Shaklin opted to only have German text.

Title: Re: Shaklin's hacks updated for Pets
Post by: Assmitten on 2006 November 27, 22:32:51
Thanks Karen, I was looking for this a couple of weeks ago.

ETA: Oh, and this is probably obvious to many, but the medicine chest hack (allowing an energy pill, healing sickness, and a pregnancy test) is the shaklin_medizinschrank file.

I wonder why she doesn't have her proper page up? No time for the promised redesign, perhaps?

Title: Re: Shaklin's hacks updated for Pets
Post by: Gus Smedstad on 2006 November 27, 22:50:10
So what do the various vampire-named hacks do?  Since there's no description, just a list of files.

 - Gus

Title: Re: Shaklin's hacks updated for Pets
Post by: jrd on 2006 November 28, 07:44:36
The vampire kiss mod adds two kind of vampire bites: -suck blood (drains stats of the victim, raises the vampire's) and -kiss of death (kills the victim). A variant of this adds garlic, a vampire alarm, and wooden stakes, for vampire hunters.

The other one I think is the teen female skintone fix, which should have been fixed by Pescado's vampwerefixes as well.

Title: Re: Shaklin's hacks updated for Pets
Post by: Giggy on 2006 November 28, 08:16:56
 :( I hope she hasn't gone and quit modding
The vampire hack should be ok as I don't think codes need changing

Title: Re: Shaklin's hacks updated for Pets
Post by: jrd on 2006 November 28, 08:18:38
The medicine cabinet, car hydrant, central heaters, and more DJ music mods all work with Pets. As does the vampire kiss expansion.
I have not tested the rest (including the vampire hunter variant).

Title: Re: Shaklin's hacks updated for Pets
Post by: Giggy on 2006 November 28, 08:21:37
I might test. I'll come back with results however she should fix her website if she has time but she mighta fixed all the bugs in the mods for pets as I can see some pet related mods.
Whats this file?

Title: Re: Shaklin's hacks updated for Pets
Post by: jrd on 2006 November 28, 08:30:11
Gothic/Vampire clothing.
A miniskirt and matching top.

Title: Re: Shaklin's hacks updated for Pets
Post by: Giggy on 2006 November 28, 09:03:28
the hunter hack doesn't work.
I don't get the options for the holy water and steak bit sorry
Edit: GAH!!!
Conflicts with JMs WereVampfixes