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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Digital Femme on 2006 October 23, 19:15:35

Title: Banning Werewolves?
Post by: Digital Femme on 2006 October 23, 19:15:35
I have two neighborhoods. One is for "norms" and another is for monsters, mutants and aliens. I don't want any monsters or aliens in my normal neighborhood. I have Sims 2: Pets, but I'm not in a rush to install it unless I can keep werewolves and possessed wolves from showing up in my normal neighborhood. Will removing the Leader of the Pack simply cause another one to spawn (like with Grand Vampires)? Can he/she even be removed from a neighborhood in the first place?

Title: Re: Banning Werewolves?
Post by: Weaver on 2006 October 23, 19:42:05
Visitor Controller (,2271.0.html)

Title: Re: Banning Werewolves?
Post by: Assmitten on 2006 October 23, 20:31:36
AweSOMMM. Thanks Weaver, I forgot about that. I need it!

Title: Re: Banning Werewolves?
Post by: Digital Femme on 2006 October 25, 14:10:53
Thank you so much! Maxis used to be pretty good about allowing players to keep the "wacky" characters out of the game if players wanted to keep things "normal". I guess they decided not to bother this time around.

Title: Re: Banning Werewolves?
Post by: Ellie on 2006 October 25, 15:16:38
I don't think the visitor controller can ban wolves yet. But I hope it will at some point.

Title: Re: Banning Werewolves?
Post by: Weaver on 2006 October 25, 15:53:22
1) Ban certain NPCs. The NPCs you can choose to ban if you want to are:
      The special Uni NPCs: the professors, cheerleaders, cow & llama mascots, coaches, & streakers.
      The special NL NPCs: the gypsy, Mrs. Crumplebottom, and grand vampires.
       Petz version only: The special OMGPETZ! NPCs: strays, wolves, and skunks.
      The newspaper and mail delivery people.

Never make friends with canines and glowing eyes. Lycanthropy: Solved. ;)

Title: Re: Banning Werewolves?
Post by: twojeffs on 2006 October 25, 16:46:45
The VC will ban the wolves, but there isn't a setting to ban werewolves (yet) if any sims have been bitten.

Title: Re: Banning Werewolves?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 25, 19:16:09
I have two neighborhoods. One is for "norms" and another is for monsters, mutants and aliens. I don't want any monsters or aliens in my normal neighborhood.
I think you may want "localwalkby", which will stop ANY nonlocal residents from traipsing about as walkbys anywhere other than their home neighborhoods on residential lots. Community lot visitation can be controlled by the Jeffistani controller. Does that presently support local/nonlocal?

Title: Re: Banning Werewolves?
Post by: Venusy on 2006 October 25, 19:21:54
I have two neighborhoods. One is for "norms" and another is for monsters, mutants and aliens. I don't want any monsters or aliens in my normal neighborhood.
I think you may want "localwalkby", which will stop ANY nonlocal residents from traipsing about as walkbys anywhere other than their home neighborhoods on residential lots. Community lot visitation can be controlled by the Jeffistani controller. Does that presently support local/nonlocal?
By different neighbourhoods, I thought she meant different neighbourhoods, as in N001 and N002, not sub-hoods of the same neighbourhood.

Title: Re: Banning Werewolves?
Post by: twojeffs on 2006 October 25, 20:38:32
I have two neighborhoods. One is for "norms" and another is for monsters, mutants and aliens. I don't want any monsters or aliens in my normal neighborhood.
I think you may want "localwalkby", which will stop ANY nonlocal residents from traipsing about as walkbys anywhere other than their home neighborhoods on residential lots. Community lot visitation can be controlled by the Jeffistani controller. Does that presently support local/nonlocal?

No not yet. I'm going to be rewriting the mod again very soon to improve the EP upgrade path and logic and adding the local/nonlocal visitor option is one of the features I plan to add.

Title: Re: Banning Werewolves?
Post by: Digital Femme on 2006 October 25, 21:04:12
I thought she meant different neighbourhoods, as in N001 and N002, not sub-hoods of the same neighbourhood.

That's what I meant. Actually, I'm wondering if Shaklin's No Strays Patch might also solve my problem and prevent all strays, wolves and the LotP from showing up on residential and community lots in one shot. I guess I would have to exit out of the game and remove the patch when I wanted to switch neighborhoods, but that's not too big of a deal to me.

Title: Re: Banning Werewolves?
Post by: Strangel on 2006 October 27, 01:53:38
I thought she meant different neighbourhoods, as in N001 and N002, not sub-hoods of the same neighbourhood.

That's what I meant. Actually, I'm wondering if Shaklin's No Strays Patch might also solve my problem and prevent all strays, wolves and the LotP from showing up on residential and community lots in one shot. I guess I would have to exit out of the game and remove the patch when I wanted to switch neighborhoods, but that's not too big of a deal to me.

I downloaded Shaklin's sign last night. I have a catlady that keeps all her pets locked outside (plenty of food and expensive beds, etc.. pipe down PETA..) and this one little cat-looking dog Sheba -grr- kept wandering in to eat the cats' food, dig holes, and generally be a nuisance. Despite constant "chase off" from Belinda, Sheba appeared every freakin day, at least once. One day, she got run off the left side of the screen, only to reappear on the right. This morning, I booted up, planted the sign, and not a single dog, cat or wolf has shown their face.

...did get a skunk though.. -wanders off with a bottle of SimMato juice- (the file name made for a loooong address link)

Edit: Right after posting here, I booted up and returned to playing.. SHEBA is back. -sigh-