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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Ellie on 2006 October 23, 05:23:38

Title: Disabling career rewards for pets?
Post by: Ellie on 2006 October 23, 05:23:38
Does anyone know if it's possible to disable those rewards pets get from their careers? I don't want any of those stupid silly colours or patterns or collars. There's enough crap already and I'm waiting for better custom collars.

So far I have only given one of my pets a job to try it out but the others won't get jobs if I can't disable the rewards.

Title: Re: Disabling career rewards for pets?
Post by: Scotty on 2006 October 23, 06:48:30
Why? Just don't use them.

Title: Re: Disabling career rewards for pets?
Post by: KatEnigma on 2006 October 23, 07:46:29
Yeah, they are still in the game, whether you disable them or not, so why bother? Just ignore them.

Title: Re: Disabling career rewards for pets?
Post by: jrd on 2006 October 23, 08:27:45
Delete your accessory.cache file before you play each time, and you lose all your rewards.

Title: Re: Disabling career rewards for pets?
Post by: Ellie on 2006 October 23, 08:53:24
ok, thanks :)

I know I could just leave them there and ignore them but those unrealistic genetics bother me.

I mean, until now we could at least choose to leave unrealistic content out (I never play with aliens or vampires or zombies or werewolves) and if you wanted strange skintones you could download custom ones, but now they don't even give us the choice.