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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: rohina on 2006 October 22, 01:49:00

Title: Cat fight club
Post by: rohina on 2006 October 22, 01:49:00
Been playing pets all afternoon, and after adding approved hacks and downloads am having no issues.

I just thought this was hilarious.

Flying cat during the fight

And then the guy who lost was all bent out of shape about having his ass kicked.

Title: Re: Cat fight club
Post by: vilia on 2006 October 22, 03:03:50
Looks like a scene with the ninja siamese cats out of Cats & Dogs  :).

Title: Re: Cat fight club
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 October 22, 05:14:50
Were these two cats from the same household or was one of them a stray? I have a little bit of hissing and growling at co-habitating pets but so far no fights. to incite a little friction in the household?

Title: Re: Cat fight club
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 October 22, 05:16:40
Heh, I went to that premade pet store and I was there for two minutes before a fight broke out between two of the strays.

Speaking of fighting siamese. I am disappointed with how the cocker spaniels look. I was hoping for a Lady, not a shanauzzer with floppy ears.

Title: Re: Cat fight club
Post by: simmiecal on 2006 October 22, 06:28:20
Well, I had my first fight. Prissy little dog in the show business career versus big hostile dog in the security career. Of course, the prissy little dog was tossed all around during the fight - but who looses and then runs away? That's right - the big dog that works in security and has been groomed to be hostile to others. My sims are pretty mad - there went 1/3 of their income thru the portal.



Title: Re: Cat fight club
Post by: rohina on 2006 October 22, 17:27:15
That's hilarious.

The cats I had were one who had been in the household for a few days and a new cat from CAS.

Title: Re: Cat fight club
Post by: sanmonroe on 2006 October 22, 17:55:01

I may need to recreate my famous most violent hack ever to use pets as well.