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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Ayslhyn on 2006 October 22, 00:14:41

Title: I'm losing the will to live
Post by: Ayslhyn on 2006 October 22, 00:14:41
Yes VERY off-topic but this miserable excuse for a router modem keeps dropping the connection.
It is that wretched misbegotten hybrid of a machine that my husband WOULD buy. His brand-new MacPro hates my PowerMac. The Linksys modem keeps dropping out.
Chews the carpet, foams at mouth etc.

Title: Re: I'm losing the will to live
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 22, 00:21:57
Get a new one. And not a router-modem. Get a real router. A Linux router.

Title: Re: I'm losing the will to live
Post by: Ayslhyn on 2006 October 22, 00:29:29
JM help for real. Macs can do Linux. What to do? Since he has had the horrible Mac Pro we have tried a Netgear which sucked like a toothless prostitute and now this expensive Linksys pile of shite which is as much use as a chocolate teapot.
When we had an iMac and a PowerMac we had an old D-Link router that worked fine. Now it has all gone to hell in a handcart. Apple help claims there is nothing wrong.
Bangs head on desk

Title: Re: I'm losing the will to live
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 22, 00:34:00
When we had an iMac and a PowerMac we had an old D-Link router that worked fine. Now it has all gone to hell in a handcart. Apple help claims there is nothing wrong.
So what did you do with the old one? If it ain't broke, DON'T FIX IT.

Title: Re: I'm losing the will to live
Post by: Ayslhyn on 2006 October 22, 00:53:33
The  D-Link didn't connect with the new MacPro. We never really knew why but it just didn't. We were advised (by Apple Help no less) to buy a newer router so we did.
To say the Netgear router was a disaster is like saying that the Titanic was just a bit of a swim. It just did not have the cojones to run both macs.
So we bought this Linksys, highly recommended, supposed to be the most mac-compatible router you can get. And when it DOES work it is fine....but it drops out for no reason we can see and disables one machine or the other.
We are totally confuzzled.

Title: Re: I'm losing the will to live
Post by: Ayslhyn on 2006 October 22, 01:48:55
In times past, loyalty to the cause of the populace was to be found everywhere. The will of the Group of Seventeen was the will of everyone

Title: Re: I'm losing the will to live
Post by: Ayslhyn on 2006 October 22, 01:53:54
Once upon a tine